I want to tell you stories. And FB...well, FB is good for selfies, I guess. Capturing the moment. Not so much stories. Also it seems there are a lot more people reading here on LJ than there are posting, so I want to make an effort to post more. Also it's good if you want to go back later and see what you were doing 10 years ago or whatever. I get stuck a lot though. What to tell, how much to tell, what order to go in, should I post this picture of my friend's daughter, or the one that is less than flattering of a friend but everyone else is supercute, what is the best way to post these photos anyway, did I leave anything out, am I too longwinded... I get overwhelmed a lot with stupid stuff, I don't even know why. Maybe I am just rusty and the only way to start is to start.
So. What's been up. I'm settled in to Olympia with Shawn. Life is mostly pretty good. There's been a lot of bad shit happening to people I care about a lot, maybe to you, and that sucks and my heart hurts for them/you. But in the direct-to-me sphere, it's been ok. A little financial stress, a few 'well, it could be worse!' things and the kind of stuff you laugh about later, and I miss a lot of people, but it could be worse, you know? It's not as exciting as being a nomad and that's ok. I still don't have a sense of permanence or an idea what 'long term' should look like, but that's normal for me.
I'm going to start with 'now', I guess, and work backwards with the more detailed stuff and we'll see how far I get. Some friends and I are playing around with starting a blog. It's still in progress, I'll let you know more when there's a there there. I've been doing some cooking. (Usually I leave that to other people, or stick to pasta or curry variations.) I made pretty tasty chicken and potatoes and artichokes the other night and a pretty ambitious salmon and asparagus dish I found on the internets last week.
Shawn started his new job...week before last? It's not the world's greatest job, but it's a job and that's better than no job. There's been a bunch of awesome sociality - BBQs and music and dinners and walks in the woods and stuff. The week before last I went up to Seattle for bowling Wednesday, and then went camping Thursday-Sunday. I tried to climb a really steep trail but we only made it about halfway.
Before that I went to the doctor for my first checkup in like 4 years. Thanks Obamacare! She tried to send me for an MRI for my ankle which still doesn't have full range of motion and still doesn't look right and hurts if I try to, you know, climb a mountain on it, but the insurance denied the approval due to not having provided evidence of 4 weeks of anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy. And my new insurance is not working with my new doctor's lab company anymore so they're going to not accept it anyway. So then I had to change it and the WA Medicare website only works with IE. Anyway, I worked my way through the automated phone system finally and it should be changed but I don't know what happens with the ankle thing now. Bunch of BS. Thanks Obamacare. Also my cholesterol is still high despite the exercising and my vitamin D is low even though I have been very good about getting sun when I can. And my platelets are high which, according to the internet could be cancer or could be because I work out - I think I'm gonna bet on the latter. (I'm supposed to have a followup at some point, once I get the insurance/MRI BS straightened out.)
Um. I have a garden with 3 tomato plants and 3 pepper plants and a couple beans and some flowers. And a mole. And the corner next to the garage turns out to have blackberry vines *and* grape vines. We have a lawn that has to get mown. Domesticity.
Ok, that's it for now, I guess. Camping photos etc. are under the cut.
Not a camping photo - a post-BBQ sunset
Looking at water critters with a flashlight
They're on the rock there on the right - caddis fly larvae, which build little tubes for themselves to live in.
Here's a guy who gives them gold to play with. Kinda gorgeous, huh?
Throw the stick! Throw it!!
My man looking manly