I get around

Jul 31, 2013 12:27

This past weekend I went to London and took absolutely no photos. Saturday was a Fitocracy meetup - I went to an actual gym for the first time since college. When I get resettled I might have to find a good one and actually start going regularly. I've been working out at home for the past couple years, but there are things I don't have at home, like a squat rack and an assisted pullup machine. (If you workout and haven't heard of Fitocracy, you should check it out. It's a pretty cool community.) Then there was dinner at a Turkish place, and a mad dash through the pouring rain to a nearby bar for drinks. Luckily by the time I had to leave, the rain had stopped. I headed over to poggs place, only getting minorly lost on the way. Sunday was leisurely Sunday roast in the pub before I caught the train back to the Midlands.

A couple weeks ago, there was a trip to Kenilworth Castle, which was nearish a tea shop I wanted to go to. There's all kinds of history and stuff about the Queen and her lover related to it, which I'm mostly not going to go into.

Way back when, they dammed up the place and surrounded the castle with a moat/lake (or a 'mere', officially).  This is the dam, which doubles as walkway in, and was also where they held jousts back in the day.  The mere is long gone - the castle was deliberately damaged and the mere drained in the late 17th century, after England had a civil war and the powers that be decided there needed to be less strongholds about.

Arrow slit.

This is where my camera died and decided it didn't want to pop the lens out anymore, so I had to borrow edwards's.  Later, after perusing the internet for advice, I tried percussive maintenance on it, which fixed it.

Windows of the Great Hall


Garden.  That bit at the back there is an aviary, which had some goldfinches and a pheasant in it.

Original fireplace. This was in the gatehouse, which is the only part still intact - it was used for a house for awhile after the rest of the castle was ruined.


england 13

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