I just saw Utopia. Here be mah review.
Oh, and, in case you have had your brain sucked out by a carnivorous slug (happens to the best of us), then it is necessary for me to inform you that this will involve spoilers. Like, a lot.
Les' break it down, now.
Squee: Jack in suspenders. Oh, how I have missed those suspenders. Chan Tho, who was adorable. Cute yet determined. Why can't Martha be like that?! Oh wait, sorry; that goes in the NOT-squee pile. Then there was Jack and the hand and the Doctor. He was all, "Jack, that's my hand! What have you been doing with it?" and Jack was all, "I got lonely, Doctor. Even a solitary hand from your body has more hotness in it than the people I work with," and the Doctor was all, "Jack, you work at Torchwood," to which Jack replied, "Yeah, but you're David Tennant," to which the Doctor replied, "Yeah, but you're John Barrowman," and then things got freaky. Only not really.
Seriously though, this was the most slash-friendly, subtexty, "Use My Name!!!" episode of Doctor Who ever. Which brings me to: The Master. I.... honestly don't know what to say. There are no words. When Yana regenerated, I squinted at the man he became, who was lying on the floor, and thought, 'Well. Uh...' Then stood up. Then he started talking. He said, "Hello, hello, hello," in three different voices. And I saw the smile. I saw teh hawt. I said, "No, Master. Hello to you.' Look at my icon. It explains it all. (And if the whole 'Use my name,' 'Master...' exchange did not fill your brain with slashy thoughts, then greetings! What's it like working at a nunnery? And I don't even like slash...) Now comes the:
Not-squee: The Doctor's exchange with Jack at the beginning. Was. Freakin'. Cold. Doctor, I can't believe you. Nine would never have said such things! And if he had, he would have the decency to look a little sorry about it! You didn't even look sorry, you just looked sort of... cranky. Step it up, Ten! Be nice to the Jack!
Then there was Martha. "Oh, of course she was blonde, *bitch*, *whine*, etc." I won't even go there. I will just show you this.
That face. Oh, sweet Freema, that face. I could be all right with you, Freema. We could be buds. But your pissy!face kills any fangirl lurve that lingers in my heart. Stop it, Freema. Stop it right now and things will be better.
That is all. Except to reiterate that the Master is bringing sexy back so evil. And so cool. Can't wait for next week. Cheers!