Jan 12, 2012 12:16
Alright, so, for the past week or two I've been tweeting more about what I've been doing than bothering to write anything on this livejournal. But the gist of things is, I got very nostalgic for those old arts and crafts projects we were always doing in elementary school. And then I realised, hey, I'm an adult! I can do whatever I damn well please!
So I did arts and crafts. ^-^
We had this big piece of foam display board stuff that was going to waste in the garage, so I cut a bit out of it and painstakingly measured and sliced (with help from parents, as I am pants at measuring and slicing) and made some little shelves on which I could display my collection of Tron diecasts. It's all painted black with blue lines now and looks AWESOME. Alas, I do not have a camera, so I cannot show you the awesome, but take my word for it, it's shiny.
Anyways, now that that project is finished, I can work on new projects! Or rather, return to older projects. I still have a room to clean, a closet to sort, a website to build (several, actually), and in 5-10 days, a hard drive to back up. That's right, I went to amazon and got a 500gb external hard drive, because I was in desperate need of one. And I got it for free.
...Well, okay, I got it for $99. But considering I got $100 in amazon gift cards for christmas (thank you brother and uncle) I still had a moment of squee and a dance when the final register price was $0.00.
Yeeeup, today looks good. If I get some work done, and later am allowed to take the car to Tyler and do some store browsing, I will be a happy camper.