Mental Note: two Hornet crossover plot ideas

Jan 18, 2011 22:23

I want to write these down before I forget them, so that I can later post them to greenhornetfic when I get a plot idea post up.

1) Supernatural/Green Hornet fusion crossover, in which Dean is the suave newspaper man who moonlights as a masked gangster of vigilante justice through con-artistry, and Castiel is his butt-kicking nameless sidekick.

OR, Alternatively, cast Crowley as Britt Reid and Gabriel as Kato. Eithe way, it'd be beautiful. Using tv-verse, I think, would be best for this idea.

2) Let's grab Kato from the 2011 movie, and Ianto Jones, and stick them in the same room together, with the prompt "coffee." Then we can sit back and ENJOY. X3 Bonus points if Kato is in uniform, and Jack and the Hornet (either tvu or m11u), also in uniform, are conversing off to the side.

plot idea, shows: torchwood, shows: green hornet, shows: supernatural

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