Aug 21, 2010 17:07
I went out adventuring today, in triple-digit heat (and four-digit heat inside my car) and went cruising places that sold DS systems and soul silver, in an attempt to discourage myself about the ugly high prices and stuff.
Didn't really work. I still want the stuff.
I've figured out that, buying in-store, a ds + soul silver = roughly $170 anywhere you go. Coming back to and similar, can probably find it for roughly $150. The smart thing to do would be to buy a DS lite and use it to play GBA games until enough money is saved for SS.
Thats not including the two guidebooks for johto and kanto that cost 20 bucks each and look really fantastic. x_x
I have $100 in savings that, before this, was kept as part of my "oh god I need another monitor mine is too small" project. That project fell a little in importance when I learned of Synergy. But it might crop up again in future.
Ugh. I hate these cravings to buy stuff.
EDIT: And really, all of this is ignoring the fact that I shouldn't be spending so recklessly. Frankly put my brain is Bored, like Sherlock Holmes levels of destructive boredom, and doesn't want to do any of the stuff I should be doing.
I need a grilled cheese sandwich and some chocolate milk. Somebody do a body-swap spell so I can eat it.
adventures to the outside,