No more braces!
I had my first piece of gum after almost a year and a half. It was so good...despite being some nasty coconut-melon flavor. Yeuch. Need a pack of spearmint. My new retainers are navy blue and make me talk lispy, so I'm thankful by far for livejournal and instant messenger. Not cuz it's embarrasing, it's just inconveniant.
It's been confirmed that I, after my noonish dental cleaning appointment next Thursday, will be heading to Irvine to house-sit for my grandma. I shall be all alone in a very spiffy little house, in cooler temperatures than Riverside, within bus distance of the beach, within walking/biking distance of five gated pools to which she has the key, and within apparent walking distance of a secret location someplace nearby from which I can view all the fireworks shows in the Irvine sky for free. That'll come in handy Friday. X3 Though my uncle Tony and aunt Wendy are said to likely show up for the weekend too, so I'll at least have maybe two days to pretend I own my own place. hahahah.
My obsessive compulsive side wants to start packing now, even though it's 7 days away. I figure I can wait until Wednesday to pack. Need clothes, toiletries, a swim suit, and 20 bucks for potential groceries, bus fare, and maybe a movie on Monday. I wonder if Grandma wants to see Wall-E.
The only downsides to this are:
a) when I made this commitment I had not been aware that the "next thursday" I was promising to show up on was the 3rd. I won't be online on the 4th, so I'll miss Nick's birthday. ;----; Sorry Nick.
b) the aloneness may prove restraining if I am mid-homework and run into a problem. Likewise the lack of wireless. I could find a coffee house for that though.
c) the distance from my house to her house is a great distance, particularly over holiday-crowded freeways, particularly in my gas-guzzling truck. May have to borrow 50 and get dad to top off the tank before I leave if I want to make it there and back. I dunno how much it'll take. XS
Work continues on my website. The lab and library today suffered power outages, which prevented me from getting much done coding wise in CS3. I have yet to see if the spiffy menu thingamummy I put on my portfolio page works in DW8. I really, really hope it does. x_x
Bed now, but first, to wash the lingering cement powder out of my nose. *sneezes*
EDIT: Oh, I think Mad Season by Matchbox 20 makes a good Ezra song, for all the times the others judged him before getting the full story.