The hell?

Sep 03, 2007 01:12

 My brother has mice.

Furry nasty germy fuzzy mice. In cages. How the hell did he get mice? You have to be 18 to get mice without your parents there to sign a waver or something.

Well APPARENTLY the girl at the Petco told him that if he claimed the mice were feeders for a snake or something, he didn't need a parent there to sign anything.

If I learn who this girl is I will smack her with a fish. Now he's letting the nasty things crawl everywhere. On the corner table where we put our drinks while watching TV, on the remotes to use the TV, on the couch where we sit, on the fucking counters in the kitchen while he grabs drinks. On the ancient antique piano! And dad was in the room when he did this, and didn't even bat an eye. Am I the only one concerned about what'll happen to the piano if the mouse PEES on it?

It's not that I hate mice, I don't. It's that mice are germy nasty things and even with Alex claiming a pet-store mouse is sanitary and disease-free (YEAH RIGHT) I cannot afford even the slightest nanochance in hell to get sick this semester.

Bloody effing hell.

In slightly better news, I'm on the Indiana Jones bandwagon again, and after reading five pages of fanfic listings, all horribly written, and cruising the entire official Indy site, I have a theory about what the movie is about. I won't tell you, because that'd be rude and spoilerish, but it gets released next Memorial Day. that's in May, in case you're like me and forget that Labor Day and Memorial Day aren't switched around.

Tomorrow (or rather later today) I'm marathoning Indy in celebration because I thought tomorrow was Memorial Day, not Labor Day. But it's gonna be an exiled-in-my-room marathon. Because Alex and his stupid mice are contaminating everything.

Even the soda! *sob*

pets, rants, movies

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