Apr 06, 2019 22:13
Hi, guys.
A lot has happened in the past months that I've been so inactive. I've stopped writing, which is really sad 'coz this is one of my outlets, but life has really caught up on me.
Break ups, relationships failing, friends leaving, jealousy. All these things happened to me in one blow that I can't seem to put myself together. I'm still coping, though there's still a part of me that wants all those people that left to come back.
Tears come and go, and I don't know when I'd become totally better. Honestly, I'm sad that these people who I came to know are now gone from my life. I miss them terribly.
This is the only time I've written in more than a year in this page, and for those who were waiting for my posts, sorry. I am still in mend, and I really do hope that I get better soon.
I miss Arashi, I miss my life as a writer, and I miss the people that I've become friends with in this fandom.
All the l0ve,