Title: Monochrome Genre: AU, Romance, Angst Rating: PG-13 Prompt: Aiba/Ohno Free Square (rainbowfilling) Pairing: Ohba Word Count: 1,046 Length: One Shot Summary: Masaki tries to hold on to his past. These memories that he had once were like a thin bond that he keeps on wanting to embrace. He tries to search for his lover and ended up seeing him with another man.
Perspiration falls from my temples and my back; still, I try my best to look for you in the places that we have been together: the bar that we have met once way back then, the park that we stayed until the sun has risen, the restaurant that we had our first kiss and even the zoo where we had our first date. But, none of these places can I find your perfume.
My eyes wander around in search of your trace. I can’t seem to breathe as I feel the loneliness creeping in on my nerves. I scream out but my words overlap with the sounds of my footsteps as I saunter in the city where we live in. As I do, I recall how we met in that bar; the bar that was in the busiest district of this city:
I was drinking a cold beer on the counter, talking to the bartender; when I spotted you dancing on the dance floor. The disco ball’s glittering lights shone on you and you seemed to belong on that monochrome world that you were in. I gaze at you, but when you looked my way, I pretended not to be aware of you and you dropped those beautiful eyes, looking away.
A couple drinks more, I stood up and smiled at the bartender, mutely telling him that I’ll pay later as I must do some business. Upon stepping on the dance floor, I immediately see you in the corner of my eye; I slowly dance my way to where you are and in the dim light, I pulled that slender shoulder closer to me.
The warmth that your body was emitting was calming. I looked straight into your eyes as we danced along the slow song that was playing in the background. I can only see your figure as we danced the night away. The unique and tantalizing way your body was moving made everyone around us become colorless; you were the only one which was colorful.
In one respect, everyone seemed to slowly disappear from the dance floor; or was it us? We come to a darkened alley at the back of the bar and we make out heatedly. I made certain of the strength hidden in your upper lip and licked it as my hands made their way to your belt. I wanted to convey everything to you by the way how tight I hold you and with my lips that continuously envelopes yours.
The radiance of the quarter moon spills down and I realize that I am in the alley where we first had our contact. My heart is beating as fast as my breathing. It has taken a lot of my energy to move around. I have never run this quick since I stopped playing basketball years ago. I try to breathe through my nose, but I can’t. I can sense that something might happen if I continue my quest in search of you.
Struggling with my instincts, I proceed inside the bar and there I see you. Though it is vague; though I feel that it is a trap, I can’t seem to stop the tears from falling from my eyes as I see you with another man. I don’t recognize the man that you are with, but it seems that you are enjoying the kisses that he is giving you. I try to close my eyes, still they refuse from shutting.
I feel like I was punched in the gut; wanting to throw up. Shaking in anger and sadness, I suddenly bump a table and knocked down a glass of beer, making it spill; dropping the liquid to the table and floor. This time, you notice me and your eyes shown shock, still you keep kissing him and closed your eyes.
I stand there, gaping as he tightens his grip on you. I don’t understand why, but this ache in my heart wants to be toyed around with; so I wait and stare. The pain is flowing; overflowing in my heart. I am suffering, yet I stand before you like am watching a movie; a sad movie that I am a part of that I can’t just leave.
What was it that is in the letter that you have me? I seem to have forgotten the contents of the letter. I try to grasp the meaning of the scene in front of me. It is written in the letter, but I just can’t seem to make out the words. I try to close my eyes again to recall and this time, I make it. And the words flow out from my heart; the reason why I can’t remember it is because I didn’t want to believe that everything about us is over:
Ma-chan, I’m really sorry for leaving you all of a sudden. It’s just that my heart belongs to someone else now. I can’t thank you enough for making me happy for these past years that we have been together. I don’t know how to face you properly that is why I am writing you this letter. I’m not conversant, not that you don’t know this yet. I don’t know how to say how I loved you before. I can’t gain your forgiveness, I know that. What I want is for you to be happy even I’m not with you. Satoshi
I'll leave my plain heart as it is. I'll pretend not to recognize you. It seems that what I had will never come back to me; still, I smile though tears are forcing their way to fall from the brim of my eyes. I’ll just remember the dance that we had to the point that we'll forget how fast the moon waxes and wanes. Even just for a moment, I know that I held you in my arms.
A/N: I wrote this in just one sitting. I guess that it would be over an hour. I had no idea of the ending was and if you noticed it, I incorporated Monokuro for this, thus the title Monochrome. I am not particularly fond of this pairing, but when I wrote this and the ending turned out to be sad, I just couldn’t help myself and be teary eyed. I don’t know why, but since I have written Memoirs, I didn’t know that it would also influence my writing in this fic.
It’s just a quick one shot with only a monologue in Masaki’s mind. Still, I hope that for those who read this fan fiction with this pairing would appreciate it. Comments are loved and I read every single comment. ^_^