Present, Chapter 1: It Was Really White.

Mar 06, 2012 19:49

Present, Chapter 1: It Was Really White.

A USUK Fanfic

Rated M for smut in Chapter 2, and also, innuendos somewhere after the chapter.

This is a sequel to “Surprises”, and this is also a Belated Mayuge Day gift.

It would make much more sense if you read the prequel, really.

By pasuterukyan (FF); kesefusohon (LJ); msmstee (Tumblr)

 Finally, after months of waiting, the time has come. It was only three months, but for both of them, it seemed like years. Arthur’s heart was pounding against his chest. He was only looking forward. The elevated platform, the white grand piano, the white arch that held white roses and white ribbons, the white rose petals, the chairs, the guests, the suits and dresses, all of it were so perfect. He couldn’t tear his eyes away at the silver lining; the one thing that mattered the most right now.


He was standing on the platform, a smile on his face, waiting for him to walk over and take his hand. He was wearing a breezy white tuxedo, the same style as the one Arthur wore, although, obviously, a bigger size.

The sun was gleaming over them, it was a perfect day and the weather couldn’t have been any better. They were getting married in a southern island, with white sand, a cool breeze and the blue sea.

He breathed deeply, taking a step forward, then another, clutching his bouquet of flowers. This is it. Why was he so nervous? He cleared everything out his mind, as he reached the platform, where he held Alfred’s hand. Returning a shaky smile, they turned to face the priest.

The ceremony went along very well and organized, everything going according to plan. Finally, the saying of vows was here.

Alfred took a deep breath and began his part of the vow, “Arthur, you’re the one I’ve loved since childhood, adolescence and up until now. Getting married with you… it’s like a dream come true. I couldn’t have asked for a better guardian, brotherly-figure, ally, boyfriend, fiancé, and later, a husband. You have qualities in you that compliment mine, and you have good traits and bad traits. It would be very unrealistic of me to say that you’re the perfect guy in the world, but you’re the perfect one for me. Thank you so much for sticking with me the past two hundred years or so, and I hope to have two hundred, three hundred years more.” he smiled, giving Arthur’s hand a gentle squeeze. Arthur’s heart fluttered at his smile, at his words, at how he was so sweet, but not sickeningly-sweet. Alfred looked at him, waiting for him to say his part.

It was Arthur’s turn. He looked into Alfred’s eyes, a sincere smile on his face. He didn’t really know what to say, for his words cannot be fully expressed into words. “Alfred… you’re thoughtful, you’re nice, you’re cheerful, you’re smart in your own way even if I sometimes say I don’t… you’re really loud and hyper, an off-key singer and pretty annoying sometimes, but it’s what I love about you. You never fail to make me smile, even when I’m in the middle of a bad day. You’re the only one who can make me angry, flustered, happy, sappy and so much more all at the same time. No one else in the whole wide world can do that but you. I’m so glad I found you all those years ago, and right now, I’m so glad we’re finally getting married.” he finished off, a faint blush on his rosy cheeks.

They felt as if they haven’t said all the things they wanted to say, but it was time for the ceremony to continue on. It went on smoothly, from the giving of rings and the lighting of candles, until the very final moment where they were allowed to kiss. Alfred just pulled Arthur from his spot and pressed his lips against his. Arthur kissed back, and both of them have never felt happier in their entire lives. Finally, they were married. Gosh, it was such a different feeling for both of them. It was like a shot of ice cold champagne up their systems whenever they’re reminded that they’re married to one another. It was strange, yet delighting at the same time. Rose petals fell from above as the guests stood up, clapping for the newlywed couple.

Of course, the ceremony was just the beginning. It was the reception that made things fun.

They were in the reception area by the beach, lanterns hanging from the canopy as the sun went down. Tables were set up, the same guests sitting there. A huge, white fondant cake with a few accented colours was in the centre of a huge table in front, along with the sound system and podium. There was food on the sides and wine and fancy tableware, a buffet for later. The music started playing, a slow waltz, as Alfred asked Arthur if he could have the pleasure of that dance. Arthur giggled softly, holding out his hand for Arthur, as they swayed along to the music. Arthur was a very good waltz dancer, whereas Alfred was not, his speciality more of freestyle and street dance. It was quite hard for Alfred to keep up, more so for Arthur to lead him across the dance floor.

“Alfred…?” Arthur asked in a low voice, looking up at him as they danced.

“Yes, Artie?”

“Are we going to be like some old married couple in the future…?” his green eyes looked worried.

“You’re worrying about that already?” Alfred chuckled, “Not every marriage is perfect, and we’re bound to have arguments of our own. What’s important is that we forgive each other and learn from our mistakes, right?” he beamed at him.

“I know that!” Arthur said dignifiedly. “I mean, like we’ll be okay, right? Even if we might end up arguing a lot…”

“Of course we will. It’s us. We can make it through anything.” he grinned, reassuring the Brit. You could tell Arthur was already worried about these things, so early in the marriage. He’s such a worrywart.

Other people danced along with them, with their own partners. The music would change from time to time, and some people would stop dancing midway. They all sat back down after a few songs for the speeches.

A red-headed man in a black tuxedo went up to the podium, cleared his throat and spoke.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. If you don’t know yet, I’m Alastair Kirkland, Artie’s older brother. I’ll be doing the first speech today.” he swept a cursory glance across the room, stopping amusedly for a moment when he saw Arthur who had a scowl on his face. Don’t call me Artie, you idiot, he somewhat telepathically said to his brother.

“Arthur here has been a fine young lad, though he was a wee little tyke before. Going out without telling any of us, and going off with his fairy friends. I can see now, he’s changed a bit. He’s the one who likes staying home and read books and be the boring man he is today. As his brother, I’m glad he’s getting married to the man he loves. I have no protestations whatsoever. I let him do what he likes now. After all, he’s old enough to be left unwatched by his older siblings.” he smiled. “As for Alfred, I haven’t got the chance t’ know him personally, but I can see he’s the kind of man who’d take care of Arthur very well. He’s a keeper, that one.”  he smiled, bowing a bit afterwards.

“Aww, shucks. Your brother’s quite nice, Artie!” Alfred turned to him, flashing a smile.

“Don’t be fooled.” was all Arthur could say.

The next speech came from Matthew. He tapped on the microphone, “Testing… testing…” he softly said. He was barely heard by the audience, which made it hard for them to notice him. “Where’s the next speech…?” they asked one another.

“Guys, cut it out, Mattie’s up there.” Alfred groaned and rolled his eyes, pointing to his brother. He winked at Matthew as he silently thanked him for reminding the others.

“So… Alfred… he’s my brother. He’s not the best brother out there, what with being loud and obnoxious all the time and constantly misses with the baseball pitches -“

“Hey! I don’t miss; you’re just lousy at catching!” Alfred laughed, cutting in his speech.

“No, Alfred, you miss. Quite a lot, in fact, and with plenty of injuries sustained, at that.” Matthew sighed. “Even if that guy’s an arrogant, airheaded idiot, he’s still my brother and he’s given me good advice when I needed it. I’m happy he and Arthur are going to get married. I’m sure they’d take care of each other very well. I couldn’t see anyone else better suited for one another than them.” Matthew smiled as he went down, Francis going up next.

“The frog?” Arthur asked incredulously in hushed tones.

“Bonjour, everyone. I’ve known both Arthur and Alfred for a very long time, and I can say I’m happy for both of them, even if that rules out two people in the people I am currently chasing after.” he jokingly said. “Arthur’s always been the type to be the one who’ll constantly nag you, then pretend to not care about you. Kind of bipolar, if you ask me. And Alfred’s probably the one who won’t eat his vegetables. Or anything that Arthur cooked, for that matter. Nevertheless, I think they’ll turn out as a great couple, and I’m congratulating both of them.” he smiled as the crowd cheered, his comments making them laugh.

No one else went up to the podium, which looked like everyone was done saying their speeches. Arthur gave the go signal for the partying and the eating to begin. Their reception had quite a strange line-up on the events, which they can both blame on the wedding planners for messing up the invitation.

The reception didn’t last that long, it was already ten in the evening when the guests went home one by one, some a bit tipsier than the others. Most of the women were complaining about their feet, and most of the men already had their first button unbuttoned, ties loosened up.

A few moments later, while Arthur was saying goodbye to Vash and Lili, Alfred tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me,” Arthur said to the two.

“What is it, Alfred?” he asked.

“Y’ready?” he asked; a smirk on his face.

“Leaving so soon? You’re quite eager tonight.” Arthur returned his smirk, placing his hands on his hips.

“Of course, Artie. You remember your promise, right?”

“I do, Alfred. Jeez, I still can’t believe you have that kind of weird kink.”

“It’ll be awesome, so come on, now.” he laughed, scooping Arthur from his spot, carrying him bridal-style.

“P-put me down!” Arthur blushed, hissing at him.

“Oh come on, Artie, it’s only once in a while I get to carry you like this!” he chuckled, kissing Arthur’s forehead.

“Once in a while? You do this every bloody chance you get!”

“Lighten up, won’t ya?”


They walked a bit and went into the hotel which they stayed in, past the lobby and the receptionist, and onto the elevator. They went out at the 8th floor, and stopped in front of their room, Alfred swiping the card key while trying to keep Arthur balanced.

“That’s dangerous, you know.” Arthur frowned. He didn’t like the idea of being dropped very much.

“I can do it, so it’s okay.” Alfred grinned stupidly, to which Arthur only rolled his eyes.

He slowly let Arthur down on the carpeted floor, opening the cabinet which held a frilly, white wedding dress with a veil. It had frills all over and it was very long, there were no sleeves, just a one-sided strap with flower embellishments.

“You have to wear everything, okay, Artie?” Alfred teasingly told him.

“You do know this is the only time we’re going to use this?” Arthur laughed. He hoped this was the only time…

“We can use it some other time as well, I guess. That is, if the stains would be easy to remove afterwards.” he winked.

“I-idiot…!” he flushed, shooting an annoyed glance at him. His eyes surveyed the dress. My, it was quite beautiful, and expensive-looking. Such a shame it would only be used for foreplay.

“I’m getting a bit impatient, Artie. Just put it on, already, so we could get this night started!” Alfred grinned mischievously, as he unbuttoned the first few buttons on Arthur’s tux.

Yes, the night’s just begun.

A/N: Next chapter, you guys know what happens next. Oh God, oh God, I can’t smut, how do you smut!? //creys. I’m not that knowledgeable on weddings and receptions, so forgive me for the jumbled arrangement. Ahh, my fics aren’t turning out that good, huh. OTL;; This would really make more sense if you read the prequel, Surprises. Haha~ Well, chapter 2 soon! 

hetalia, usuk, my writing, otp, fanfiction, anime

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