Testing/ WIS / El Vaquero

Mar 11, 2005 19:53

Well....this past week was pretty busy for me!

On Monday and Tuesday we had testing. I think it was called the OGT...Ohio Graduate Test...or something close to that. Anyway, on Moday we took the Reading test. I actually thought it was kinda hard. Which is bad, because I've always done well on reading tests. Anyway,  the test screwed up our schedule so I didn't have math that day! Woohoo. So then, Tuesday, we had the math test. I actually think I did alright on that. :-) Which is also kinda weird...because I suck at math. First quarter I had an A...then a B....now a C. Oh well. Hopefully Mrs Harvey won't make me take Algebra again...and just let me go on to Geometry. It's no that I don't get math...it's just that I'm so lazy, and I don't really...well, care. So I don't always do my best on the work. Anyway, we had math that day and it sucked. I can't remember anything else from Monday or Tuesday...nothing that important.

Wednesday was boring. Didn't do anything.

Thursday was really quite fun! I signed up for this thing called Women In Science and Thursday was when it was. I got to get out of school for it. :-D Anyway, i woke up early and my dad took me down to Ohio State University campus and dropped me off at the Union. I met up with the rest of the girls from my school who signed up. There were 27 of us...we were the biggest group there. (More then one school went). Anyway, we were waiting FOREVER to get our Workshop thingy-ma-jigs. My first one was Entomology, which is the study of Insects. No...that is not one of the workshops I signed up for. That would take up the whole morning. My second workshop was Astronomy. I can't remember if I actually signed up for that or not. But I was more excited about that then the insects one. So anyway, we wait some more and they start releasing the groups. I don't really know anyone in my first group, so that kinda sucked.

Entomology - We had to walk from the Union to some building that was pretty far away. Yay...lots of walking in the morning. Anyway, we got to the building and take the elevator up. I HATE elevators. :-/ They just make me feel...funny. Anyway, before we go in, the guy who's going to be teaching us says that it smells in there...and that it's hot....and that we can't sit down at all. This thing lasts for two and a half hours. UGH. So we walk into this tiny room filled with cages with flies and hairless rats. And the guy's right..it smells and it's hot. So the guy starts talkign and brings out a tarantula and shows us. I'm not afraid of them or anything, and these don't look too scary. but what I am afraid of of cockroaches, centapieds, and daddy-long legs. EEK!And of course, the guys shows us all of those. He also brought out some more stuff, but I forget what they were called. So, anyway, about an hour and a half into this thing I start feeling REALLY hot. My heads starts to tingle and I start to feel dizzy. So I kinda sit where I am and this lady comes over and tells me to go out into the hall with her. luckily when we go out there there are chairs so i can sit down. I stay out there for a while to cool off and go back in. It wasn't that fun and I didn't really learn anything other then I need to drink more water.
Lunch was great. We got pizza and pop. My favorite. :-P The whole time I was just sitting and eating and laughing with my friends. Time for the next workshop.

Astromony - Emily was in my group, so that was good. (this one will be shorter because I just hit some button and half of this got deleted! ARGH damn you computer!) Anyway, we walk over to the Planetarium.That was fun, because I've never been in one before. So the lady turns down the lgihts so we can see the stars. Pretty cool. Then she starts showing us a slid of stars exploding and galaxies colliding. It was really pretty/interesting. The only bad thing was this annoying girl who kept asking things like "If the sun burns out, could we use a big light bulb?" Fucking annoying. You coulf tell the lady was getting annoyed. Anyway, it was a lot more fun then my first workshop. And I actually want to take futur classes in Astromony. I really would like to learn more. :-D And the lady who was teaching us (who's an Astonomer) has been to SO many places!! I wanna do that.

Anyway, our group got back to The Union early so we had a little mini workshop. We made styrofoam. :-) That was pretty fun. Then Rachel & I went to the gift shop and got ourselves shirts. Mine is yellow and says OHIO STATE. Here's is similar, but it's scarlett and grey. Anyway, we went back just in time to hear Kathy Sullivan make a speech. She has been in space & studied the Titanic. It was really interesting! Then more time passed and it was time to go home. :-) Sorry, I would write down more details but this is my second time typing this. :-[

So..then Today was fun, too. We had a flipped shcedule so my afternoon classes (Spanish/Math/Chior) were in the morning. Today was my trip to El Vaquero (a resteraunt) for Spanish. We left at 10:30....right before Math! so i got to miss it...again! :-D The resteraunt was fun...although our waiter was talking to us in English so my table (Chelsea, Emily & Sammie) didn't really know wheather to answer in english or Spanish. (Our teacher told us earlier that no English would be spoken by the waiters...). Anyway, my Taco was really good. Didn't care much for my Chimichanga or Pastel de tres leches. (cake of three milks). But ah well. I was stuffed. So then we got back and had really short team classes. After that we watched the movie I, Robot.  It was alright...I'm not really into Sci-Fi, though. Then we went home and I slept and then blah blah blah. I plan on going to the movies tomorrow with some friends.

If you actaully read most of this entry...wow. Sorry for spelling mistakes. :-/ I'm sure there are tons of them in there. Oh, and sorry but I kinda rushed the end. I got tired of writing. ;-)

Welp...I'm outie out.

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