Discover if You are Seme or Uke!
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I've been saying for years I'm a switch, damnit!
So, I've been doing a lot of mulling over of things lately... Moreso than usual I mean. Mom took me grocery shopping today, and I bought a lot of things that I can just toss in the microwave and eat. It has the huge advantage of me not spending any more money on food for a while.
I'm calling Macro tomorrow, begging Don to let me have a job, and sucking it up.
I've quit drinking soda cold turkey. It's not a hard thing. The only thing I needed it for was the caffiene addiction, which I'm weening myself off of with green tea. It doesn't have much, but enough to stave off the crippling migraine. Getting off of soda and caffiene is step one on the road to a healthier me. I even had Mom get me a Brita filter for the sink faucet. I just need to get a pair of pliers to get the old screw-on bit off so I can put the Brita on... Then I can just refill my water bottles.
Step two is going to be quitting smoking. I have a pack and 3/4s of Marlboro Menth Lights, and ~130 empty tubes, and half of a 6oz bag of tobacco. I'm going to start smoking less, especially when I return to making my own, as it takes me a while to make one, and occasionally frustrates me. Once I've quit, hopefully Tai can quit, and I won't feel the temptation every time I go over there.
Step three is going to be a mild exercise program involving walking, mild crunches, and the occasional attempt at pushups. This program will gradually escalate until I can start... *gulp* jogging. It'll be good to be in shape.
On the artistic front, I'm working on a possibly novel-sized fanfiction based on Harry Potter and Doctor Who. Some key clues need to wait until I've actually read Deathly Hollows. I just need to wait until Kira's done with Tai's copy so I can read it. <.< >.> I'm also going to buckle down and start working on my drawing skills, most likely at work at Macro, if they still allow you have to have something to do other than just sit there staring at the screen while the system dials. If I can't do it at work, I'll do it when I'm not at work, gaming, or cripplingly depressed.
Also, my birthday is on August 7th, and the list is short.
Rifftrax for the three Star Trek movies they've done (I already have the Matrix one)
- Money for bills
- Money for my next tattoo. If I get this, It's going to cost as much as a month's rent or more, plus another 50 for two extra tails on my other tat (
- Doctor Who series 2
- A petite asian girl between the ages of 18 and 22 who can speak English and doesn't mind being a maid/companion.
- Booze
I said short, not cheap.. Well, the Rifftrax are cheap.
Anyway, I'm going to bed. I also need to get my sleep schedule back in order.