[practice] alarms, day 1

Mar 15, 2007 09:36

After I went back to work yesterday, all of the greatfeelingness from the weekend immediately dissolved. Not only that, but the things I think of as exacerbated by dance (the pattern of cross-body tension winding up from my left foot/ankle) were in full force by mid-day.

So in last night's training, I was assigned this task - to set several random alarms for myself throughout each day, and record how and where I was, how I felt, etc. It's easy to see what dance trains you to do, but it's harder to decode what you're unconsciously training into yourself all day at work (and of course, it would help if I paid attention.

9:36 - sitting on the edge of my mattress (on the floor). legs slightly bent, feet barely on the floor & calves supported on edge of the mattress. Toes & feet are pointed in just a little. Shoulders are pulled back but not down (feels a little like my back is pushed into an inverted V). Face is pulled a little, and my jaw & base of my skull both feel tight. Other than the mattress, I'm not really relating to an object (or well, I am NOW cause I got out the laptop to write this down - it's on my lap, with my elbows now resting on my thighs & my hands sorta sprawled on the keyboard).

Physical state: my back feels weird & pulled back, and I think I'm clenching my jaw, but these things aren't uncomfortable. My lower body feels comfortable and chill.

Mental state: prepared. I've got things to do today (including work), but I feel like I have time to do them.

11:08 - this is actually work-like, except for the bed. I'm sitting on my bed, right leg extended, left leg tucked up, with more weight on my left ass than my right. I'm folded forward over my laptop & blackberry (am on conference call) from my hips, with my shoulder blades up a little & squinching the back of my neck. The laptop is resting on my left foot (which I think I do at the office) & I have a bunch of weight on my elbows, which are leaning on my legs. My wrists are floating over the keyboard & my arm movement is limited by the elbow stability.

Physical state: I feel a stretch in my butt and right low back/hip, around a 3 discomfort. My neck is slightly uncomfortable, too.

Mental state: impatient. I've been on phone calls all morning.

1:45 - in the car, driving with my left foot on the dash, slightly more weight on my right ass than my left. Leaning back in the seat just a tiny bit.

Physical state: Chill. Just kinda neutral.

Mental state: yay! I just bought all new furniture, the weather is gorgeous, I'm not in the office.

3:02 - on the bed again, in a conference call (this time with unhappy people). Shoulders rolled forward and up & neck pulled back. Sitting cross-legged, with laptop on my lap.


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