Nov 19, 2004 17:00
Recently again I've been struck with this weird feeling, and I can't explain it. I know, of course, of forgetting little things and then seeing the memories coming back later on... I know also of the feeling of déjà-vu, which is something all of us probably experience at one moment or another... but what about having clear memories of things that have never happened?...
Well, I have some of these, and they are terribly weird, because I KNOW they can't have happened. I know it because the people I am with in these memories told me they weren't, or because the dates simply don't match. It's like... here's one that may seem a little dumb, as it's related to a game, but still: I have this memory of starting playing Second Life when I still was living in Strasbourg. A very clear memory, not a foggy one: I can "remember" the weather outside (cloudy but no rain), the exact way the light pours through the window, the certainty of being sitting in front of my comp there while I would explore areas as a newbie (Luna, among others). Yet it CAN'T have happened, because I only started playing this game in August this year, and I left Strasbourg in October 2002. So what the hell?
Another of these "memories" I have is, on top of it, very troubling, because it deals with something that got destroyed before my birth. I'm having a walk (as a very young child, maybe 4 or 5 years old?) with my mother and grandmother, on a little path outside of the town. My grandmother's house is close to the cemetery, which itself is on the edge of the town, so the "country" is very close too. On both sides of this path, there are fields of golden, ripe wheat, and a large pond a little further, with poplar trees all around. It's in summer, and the sun is pouring down the sky, giving the whole land a very nice and warm feeling. And it's a very vivid memory, still as of today. Both my mother and grandmother know for sure we never were there together, but here comes the most troubling part: the place actually existed, and the way I described it to them, except that it was destroyed a few years before my birth in order to build on it (thats the industrial zone now). It's also an old memory, one I've had as a child, and I doubt it's me who happened to stumble upon pictures of this place, if there were any? So, once again... what the hell? How can I have such "memories"?...
Another mystery in my life, I suppose...