May 10, 2005 02:04
holy shit it's been a long assss day and i am the fucking queen at wasting time. man. so yesterday was shitty. in and out of my hungover naps and laying around the house, i was able to do a lot of writing and thinking. discovered the roots of many problems but am still left without a solution. this past weekend and the weekend before provided several eye-openers that will hopefully be marked as turning points.
so i obviously didn't sleep much cuz i was up late w/ j on the phone...making extremely miniscule progress...and then i was just being an emotional dumb girl. tried to do some hw...and only got a few pages done. called it a night at like 3... no good. today i was hoping to get a nap in at some time but training took longer than i expected...tried to catch up on ish at work...dinner...yumbadfat. headed over to panama cafe and worked for a solid 3 hours. and that was the extent of my productiveness. came home and wasted like 2 hours back on it half-assly. and where am i now. miles and miles from being prepared for my nihongo midterm.
man. whats wrong with me. sooo bad. lol.