Lovestruck app - Shion

Oct 08, 2011 01:32

Player name: Keru
Journal: keruchu
Birthdate: January 29th, 1992
Other characters played: N/A

Name: Shion
Canon: No.6
Canon point: The end of episode 10
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Toi8 official art
Anime screenshot
Scar location
No. 6
I’ll be taking Shion from the very end of episode 10 of the anime, which is the very end of volume 7 of the novel series. The anime had closely followed the novel series up to this point, so I’ll be using the novel to fill in gaps and expand slightly on Shion’s personality.

For reference, the series takes place in 2017-2018. No.6 is, according to the novels, in a place in Japan’s general vicinity, though it is very different from Japan. The series is on an alternate timeline to ours and different wars have occurred, etc. No characters have had their last names revealed, and as such many speculate that characters have no last names; that they are known only by their first names and/or identification number.

Sexual Orientation: Shion doesn’t identify as a homosexual (or at least he didn’t when the topic came up very early in canon), but he has no qualms about saying that he has strong feelings for Nezumi, another man. Though calling it “love” is a bit hasty, Shion has used the term once before, though his relationship with Nezumi can’t really be put into a single word.

Furthermore, Shion is well aware that he has no idea how women work. He didn’t have any idea what was going on when a prostitute tried to seduce him and when his best friend wanted to have sex, he admitted that the thought had never even crossed his mind. Though he claims at one point “to have plenty of interest (in romantic relations)”, this is most likely an excuse (especially given how insecure he seemed about it); the entire novel series is from Shion’s POV and his thoughts are nothing but innocent. And really, if you question another kiss on the cheek at 12 years old (“why are you doing what my Mom does?) and don’t know what a kiss is like at 16, you’re going to have some trouble down the line. Not to mention that No.6 has sheltered him an extreme amount.

SO TO SUM IT UP, Shion is really stupid when it comes to things like this and it would be difficult to place a label on him, but since he doesn’t question his feelings for another man, he would seem to be open (or at least somewhat open) to bisexual relations.

Personality: Shion is, on the surface, quite an ordinary teenage boy. He is warm-hearted and kind to everyone whether they deserve it or not, friends and strangers alike, though he’s a bit quiet and prefers to keep to himself in the whole of society. His best friend, Safu, only became so because Shion complimented her sweater, which the other children had scoffed at. He’s consistently gentle and a bit dense, very honest and unable to lie, slightly over-sensitive, and difficult to truly upset. Typical “good boy” traits, though a little bit bland. But, as I said, this is only what people see on the surface.

What really makes Shion stand out is his intelligence. At the young age of two he was noted as having “highest-ranked intelligence” and was moved along with his mother to Cronos, a high-end section of the already utopia-esque city of No. 6. As such, he was raised in a sheltered environment and surrounded by only the brightest of people, attending higher-end schools and being allowed to use advanced equipment and technology due to his high IQ, and eventually being accepted into the “Special Course”, in which he was set to study ecology.

“Was.” You see, on his twelfth birthday, the day a typhoon hit No.6, Shion opened his window and met an injured runaway boy that called himself Nezumi. Being the type of person he is, Shion couldn’t ignore the boy and invited him inside for the night, keeping him hidden from his mother and treating his wound (a gunshot, which is only more testament to his intelligence). But what Shion didn’t know upon taking the boy in is that he was a runaway and was being chased by the police. Even still, Shion refused to let Nezumi leave until he had gotten a good night’s rest, and Nezumi disappeared without so much as a trace the next morning, leaving Shion to be discovered by the police and banished by the Public Security Bureau from his place in both the Special Course and Cronos. Skip to four years later. Shion is now 16 and living and working in an area called the “Lost Town”. Though thankful for the protection that No. 6 has given him, he’s still a bit wary and quietly doubts the city’s true nature. That is, before he discovers the secret of No. 6 and the wasps, after which he is rescued by Nezumi and the two escape the city together.

Shion claims that he was occasionally “overwhelmed by a tumultuous, savage surge of emotions” while in No.6, though he very rarely acted on them. Being with Nezumi has changed him an incredible amount, from the smallest of ways to the more major ones that he can barely see himself. His sudden new lifestyle has given him many new emotional experiences, and Shion himself says that he would have never realized what type of person he was if he hadn’t run away with Nezumi. He’s both proud and thankful that he’s less innocent and oblivious about the world, and being with Nezumi has given him countless outlets to express a wide-range of emotions that he’d never had a chance to truly experience to their full extent before, such as laughter, sadness, and anger. After all, within the walls of No.6 he never really needed them. Shion knows very well that Nezumi is the one that completely turned his life around, but he firmly believes that if he could go back in time and have the choice to open that window again, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Nezumi notes that, due to his upbringing, Shion lives his life without fear and doesn’t know true sorrow. He’s a bit of an idealist and attempts to find something good in almost every situation. Even though he’s carefree and trusts a bit too easily, Shion is a self-proclaimed good judge of character and tries to see the good in people no matter the circumstances. He helps others even when he shouldn’t and tends to put everyone on same level, residents of No.6 and citizens of West Block alike. However, he also has a bit of a relentless darker side, including a habit of flying completely off of the handle whenever someone threatens Nezumi, even resorting to nearly strangling two men and shooting someone that very nearly killed him. Despite being straightforward, sincere, and awfully simplistic in many ways, Shion has quite a bit of hidden emotional depth and won’t hesitate to do anything he needs to do.

In addition to this, he is extremely stubborn when he needs to be. If he wants to do something, it will get done, no matter how much logic has to be thrown aside for it. If the situation really calls for it, Shion will jump in head first without asking any questions at all. Though he is often insecure about himself, he would do almost anything for his mother or friends and wouldn’t think twice about risking his life for them. He is also noted as having a latent ability to bring out the best in others and slowly change them from the inside out, but as usual, he seems to be oblivious to just how powerful of an effect he can have on others.

Shion is also notably lacking in certain areas of knowledge. Sure, he was taught in the most elite of schools and learned from the best teachers No.6 had to offer, but the things he learned within the city walls can’t compare to the things he’s learned outside of them. After all, everything he learned as a child was filtered by the government, and as such he only learned “the basics” of everything not in his field. As he was on an ecology track he never learned about literature and had only read online books that related to his studies, so he quickly took advantage of Nezumi’s library and read as many books, novels, and plays as he could with every passing day. Before living with Nezumi he didn’t even know what candles looked like or what oil lamps were. He’s never seen a telephone and doesn’t know anything that would be deemed “unsuitable” for children. After being sheltered for so long, he is determined to take in everything around him and analyze it to the best of his ability in order to successfully live in the West Block and prove to Nezumi (and himself) that he’s more than just an “ignorant elite”. But it’s because of this that his perspective is so refreshing, and his way of thinking is unusual for both citizens of No.6 and the West Block.

Even when attacked or threatened, Shion has an undying curiosity that can get him into a fair bit of trouble, and he daydreams a bit more than he should. He’s also incredibly inexperienced with love and girls in particular, as he turns Safu’s requests toward him down without a second thought. However, he claims to be “drawn” to Nezumi, saying that life without him is pointless. But though Shion's feelings are seemingly more than platonic in nature, there is no single word to describe their relationship: they each simply complete the other. That’s really all there is to it.

Powers/Abilities: Aside from his intelligence, Shion doesn’t have any superhuman abilities or powers to note. However, after being a host to a parasitic wasp, his normal appearance was altered dramatically: his hair became white, his eyes turned blood red, and a snake-like pink scar now runs around his body, beginning from below his left eye and coiling all the way down his neck, torso, and abdomen to his left leg. His blood and in turn his veins (likely being the cause of the scar) are “infected” and carry traces of the infection as well as antibodies from it, which can be used to make a serum for the disease.

-His usual outfit, which would be a white button-up shirt, a blue cardigan, a red-brown duffel coat, dark pants, and shoes. Simple enough!
-The small scraps of paper his mother wrote on, hidden away in his coat pocket.

Extra: This is just a note I’m using the name Shion over Sion. Hepburn romanization, the most widely used Japanese romanization method, uses “shi” instead of “si”, plus the “h” sound is clearly spoken and heard in the Japanese syllable “shi”. Official sources and merchandise (the animation website, magazine spreads, etc.) have used both Shion and Sion as spellings. Here is a bit of my rambling on his name, in case it’s needed/you’re interested/I just felt like writing it, okay.

1st Person Sample: [The video feed clicks on to a slightly skewed view of a white-haired boy that seems to be reaching out for and talking to something holding the camera.]

You’ve been given a lot of love, haven’t you? Your coat is so silky, I’m sure that the person that's been taking care of you has been feeding you well. But since you don’t have a collar…. has nobody named you yet? That’s no good. Let’s see, I have to think of something good.

[The boy goes silent for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, which gives whatever is holding the phone the opportunity to drop it on the grass and give everyone a nice shot of the sky, Shion’s arms, and a large dog’s face.]

How about Muffler? Your fur reminds me of the muffler that Mom gave me for my tenth birthday. It’s just the right colour! [The dog barks cheerfully and Shion reaches out to scratch behind its ears.] So? Does that mean you like it? [And as the dog jumps forward, the two are pushed out of the video feed which now only shows the sky.]

Hey, now- that’s enough! I get it, calm down! If you’re a good boy then I’ll give you a nice bath later, you can be sure of it. [But this doesn’t last long, as something else, much smaller than the last dog, picks up the phone and approaches Shion.]

Hey there, little guy. Do you want to be washed too?

3rd Person Sample: It wasn’t uncommon for Shion to come home to a silent room. In fact, he would be more surprised if the room wasn't silent and unoccupied when he came back. The moment he descended the crumbling stairs he was plunged into darkness, which really should have been expected, seeing as the empty hall was dark enough even in the daytime. Soft moonlight simply wasn’t enough to lead him to the door of that underground room, but he’d finally begun to learn his way around after all of these months, to unconsciously memorize the number of steps and extend a hand until it brushed the familiar doorknob.

No, that wasn’t the problem. The underground room itself was, as Nezumi always put out the oil lamps and candles before leaving to go to work. How did he expect Shion to be able to see in this darkness? Asking a non-nocturnal boy to navigate a dark room without windows seemed a bit hasty, he thought, but he soon learned that Nezumi was just as aware of that as he was.

“Cheep-cheep!” A tiny mouse scampered up Shion’s shoulder as he pulled open the door. Cravat, he thought to himself. Their chirps were distinct in subtle ways, just like their personalities. How could Nezumi have ever gone without naming them? But Shion arbitrary thoughts were quickly stifled as another chirp came from his left and he groped around for the usual small box of matches, nearly knocking over the oil lamp in the process. Yes, these mice were definitely smart, he knew that much. Smart enough to always guide him to the oil lamp on late nights when Nezumi would surely be working until the early hours of the morning.

“Thank you, Hamlet. How about I read to you as a treat? Surely you’ve been lonely here, I’ve been gone for quite a while.” And before long, the lamp was lit and Shion had seated himself in the usual shoddy chair, worn book in hand and soup stock simmering upon the burner. The same routine night after night. “When exactly did this place become home?”, he often wondered. But home is where the heart is, and being at Nezumi’s side in this unfamiliar place felt more like home to Shion than No.6 ever had.
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