Lights, Camera and... Love? - Chapter 6

Nov 10, 2015 20:39

Lights, Camera and... Love?

I don’t own the people in this fic.  This is just for fun and no money is made from this.

Chapter 6

“This is Sooyoung for Star News and I’m sitting here with the ‘it’ couple of the moment, our favorite singer/songwriter Jung Yonghwa and beautiful fabulous, Queen of Musicals Seohyun! Please give a round of applause” The camera and lighting crew applauded as Yonghwa and Seohyun smiled to the camera focusing on them. “This is great, please allow me a fangirl moment to say ‘arghhhh’ Jung Yonghwa!!!” said Sooyoung flapping her arms crazily and feigning a faint as she smiled to them. That made her and Yonghwa laugh. “Now that I’m over my fangirling moment, let me tell you, it’s beyond words how ridiculous good you look together in the drama! The chemistry is off the chart and we are only after the second week airing, how does make you feel? Seohyun?”

Seohyun turned to look at the camera and said smiling. “We are so glad viewers find such joy in watching us work together, this new project have been a challenge I have been enjoying thoroughly. We are very blessed, thank you so much for the support”

“Yonghwa, how does it make you feel that for a second week in a row you are just under the 25 points in ratings! It’s no secret that when it comes to drama you are a sure win, but isn’t it overwhelming how rapidly this have escalated? What you think is the source of such huge acceptance from the viewers?”

“I think it’s all thanks to this fabulous and gorgeous lady I have sitting at my side” said Yonghwa as he turned to look at her and grabbed her hand.

She almost pulled her hand away but cameras were rolling so she just played along and waived his words away with her free hand. “You are just saying that because cameras are rolling…” said Seohyun laughing, but Yonghwa just keep looking at her very intently.

“Uhhhhhhh, dear viewers I’m sitting here getting jealous all on my own!” said Sooyoung sassily as she put her hands on her hips and mockingly glared at them. “I want a Jung Yonghwa too!”

Seohyun laughed and doubled over holding her stomach, taking the change to pull her hand away from Yonghwa is grasp. “I want one too!” said Seohyun as she grinned to the camera.

Sooyoung smiled widely and said as she wiggled her eyebrows “Yonghwa, the lady is asking for one like you, does she have a chance?”

“She can have me whenever she wants” said Yonghwa grinning to the camera.

‘Oh the guts the man had!’

“Stop joking around!” said Seohyun as she hit Yonghwa is arm between playful for the camera and damn serious for him.

“OMG I need a firetruck here, now I know where all that awesome chemistry you have on camera comes from!” said Sooyoung as she bounced on her chair. “I love it! You two look so good together. In the power invested in me by my crazy fangirl heart you have my blessing!”

The room burst out laughing and Seohyun laughed along, even if her back was sweating like crazy from nervousness. “See people like us” said Yonghwa to her as he looked her. He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. She was speechless as all the blood rushed to her face… She could hear Sooyoung in the back fangirling like crazy as Yonghwa had the audacity to smile knowingly at her.

“OMG! I ship” said Sooyoung standing from her seat clapping. “Wait but I have to ask the question… Seohyun do you have a boyfriend at the moment?” Seohyun shook her head no, still speechless. Sooyoung stood from her chair and ran around her chair. “The feels! This is so epic! I totally ship this couple… You must tell us Yonghwa do you have girlfriend at the moment”

“No” Yonghwa said as he moved his chair closer to Seohyun. “I would like to have one”

The motion talking on itself of who he wanted as his girlfriend. Blessed Sooyoung feigned a faint into her chair as she fanned herself. Making everyone laugh “OMG… Tell me Seohyun does this handsome, gorgeous specimen of man have a chance with you?”

“It depends” said Seohyun finding her voice again as she played along. Her movements turning playful for the camera.

“In what depends?” asked Sooyoung grinning as she leaned forward almost falling off her chair from the hype.

Seohyun turned to look at Yonghwa right in the eyes, they shared a silent moment and she said “It depends on how badly he wants it”

Sooyoung threw up her cards laughing and stood up clapping. She turned to look at the camera and said smiling “I don’t know about you dear viewers, but this little person standing in front of you will keep my eyes open for this two… Such great chemistry” Sooyoung sat down again and asked. “Do you have any final words for the viewers of ‘Love Shuffle’?”

“If you liked what you saw here, just wait to see what happens next week in ‘Love Shuffle’” said Yonghwa smiling charmingly to the camera.

“Thank you for your support, we will do our very best to keep you entertained every week, please remember to tune into ‘Love Shuffle’ next week” said Seohyun waiving as she threw kisses to the camera.

“Thank you for watching Star News, this is Sooyoung and see you next week with another juicy interview! Love you all” said Sooyoung cheerfully to the camera as she waved.

The camera panned out and the director said “Cut”

“OMG you two are such good sport!” said Sooyoung standing from her chair. “It was a funny interview.”

“Glad you liked it” said Seohyun bowing a little.

“And please if you two do end up together, please give let me have the first interview!” said Sooyoung laughing, but then she turned serious “Please let me had it!” she said as she put her hands together begging.

“Don’t worry it’s not going to happen” said Seohyun as she smiled at Sooyoung is antics.

“Don’t worry we will give you that interview” said Yonghwa as he stood beside Seohyun.

Seohyun looked up gaping at him and he had the indecency of just smile down at her. “Stop saying crazy things! People is going to think you are serious”

“But I’m serious” Yonghwa turned to look at Sooyoung “She doesn’t believe me”

“Gosh I think I’m going to faint from so much feels” said Sooyoung grinning. “The problem Yonghwa is that your reputation precedes you”

“What reputation?” said Yonghwa feigning ignorance…

“Do you really want me talking in front of her?” asked Sooyoung grinning crazily.

“Look at the hour, we have to shoot our next scene” said Yonghwa looking at his clock.

“I guessed as much” said Sooyoung smiling. “Now give me my hug, it was so nice to see you again my friend”

Yonghwa hugged his friend Sooyoung hard and stepped back. “Let’s have dinner one of this days…”

“Will love to and bring Seohyun along” said Sooyoung as she turned to look at Seohyun. “I have so much to tell you about him”

“Seohyun is busy” said Yonghwa hurriedly.

“Yeah, right!” said Sooyoung smiling as she walked away. “See you around!”

Seohyun watched as Sooyoung and her crew exited the study, then she turned to Yonghwa and glared at him “You do that again and I’m going to kill you”

“I will love to die in your arms”

“OMG stop it, you are so cheesy” she said as she put her hands like claws, her fingers tingling from Yonghwa been too much. “OMG control yourself Yonghwa”

“Around you I can’t and I don’t want to…” he whispered in that husky tone she have come to appreciate.

She suppressed the urge to sigh… But before she could say anything the assistant director was calling their name to film their next scene. “Just behave yourself” she whispered under her breathe as they walked into the set. The lighting around the bed already prepared. She went to change and came back wearing a bathrobe, she stood beside Yonghwa as the crew finished arranging the bed. “We are back in the beginning…”

“They had the writers change the episode so we will end up in bed again… The ratings were out the roofs last week during that time.”

“Well, all be in the name of the work” said Seohyun as she removed her bathrobe, she was wearing spandex black shorts and a strapless cream colored bra. She crawled under the covers. “Let´s have a good filming day”

“Oh I will totally enjoy filming today” said Yonghwa as he looked down at her in bed. His hands already unhooking his robe. His naked chest taking her by surprise. His muscles looked much defined today.

“You have been working out” said Seohyun looking at his chest. She then looked up and found him looking at her intently.

“All for you” he said grinning and she just rolled her eyes.

“Self-centered” she said under her breath smiling as she moved to the center of the bed.

“But you like it” whispered Yonghwa as he crawled under the covers too. “Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.”

“Just shut up!”

Yoorim woke up with such a headache, the morning light was hurting her eyes and all she wanted to do was crawl under the covers and never comeback. She rolled around several times in bed running away from the light… It took her a few moments to question why she hadn’t felt from her tiny little bed in her tiny little apartment. She opened one eye under the pillow and looked around, that was not the color of her room… Her room was a beautiful pale yellow… Not white, less with those black and white photos of places around the world.

Slowly, very slowly, Yoorim gathered the courage to sit up, the worry about where she was, had her forgetting all about her severe hangover. She looked out the window, the room was in a nice part of town.

“You are awake” she heard someone say behind her, she hurriedly gathered the sheet to her shin and turned to look at the man in question.

“D… Don’t tell me…” she stammered as she watched him stepping away from a door that must be the bathroom… a towel wrapped low just under his navel.  His hands drying his hair with another towel. He stopped what he was doing just in front of the window, the morning light coming from behind him, made him look gloriously handsome, the disheveled hair and wet skin only adding to his sinful look. “Do we…” she tried again, but she was just whispering now, words, real words wouldn’t come out of her mouth.

“Do you want to know if we sleep together?” she nodded several times, very slowly trying to stop his very male smelling shampoo to not affect her brain. “Well” he said as he leaned over her. She leaned back to put distance but he just followed her until she was lying flat on her back, with him on top, his body not really touching hers. “We came close too, but it doesn’t mean we couldn’t finish it up today” said Seju smiling as he looked at her seriously. “After all we are still married, don’t we Yoorim?”


Yoorim has run so fast from his apartment that she almost ran out without her shoes… She must be crazy, how in the world one gets drunk in the new boss in welcome party and end up sleeping in his bed… Well, said boss was legally her husband, but still! It wasn’t done.

All that drama she was having with herself had her arriving late to work. As soon as she found her seat she immersed in her work. Her gaze strained in her laptop screen as she worked none stop, she went to the bathroom just when the boss was secluded in his office in a conference call. And had a tank of water under her in the floor, so she didn’t have to leave her seat to fetch a glass of water at all.

She was counting the seconds to five o’clock, when she received a call “Yoorim here, what can I do for you?” she answered without looking at the ID caller.

“Come to my office” said Seju is deep voice and it had her looking up. He was watching at her directly from his office. “Now”

“Yes, Sir” she said automatically.

She walked into his office. “Please close the door and take a seat” he said.

Yoorim did as she was told, not once looking at him directly. She felt him stand up from his chair and looked with the corner of her eye as he closed the blinds, letting them secluded in his office. “Oh God” she whispered under her breathe as he took the seat beside her.

“Yoorim look at me” he said firmly and she obeyed. “First of all, I want to clarify that nothing happened last night, it’s not my style to take advantage of drunken women… The other time we were both very drunk, so it was both our fault…”

“Did I do something… weird?” she asked pained. She was actually flinching with each word. Silence stretched on his part “Oh God, I did something crazy”

“No, you didn’t” he said looking at her intently.

She fidgeted in her spot when silence stretched. “If we didn’t, why did you call me here?”

“Because we let something unfinished”

“And that is?”

Seohyun felt her toes curling as Yonghwa kissed her for the third take, from another angle. She still had to act surprised, her eyes open and really suppressing the urge to kiss him back. She pushed him away as she was supposed to do and stood up, looked at him confused and then turning and rushing to the door. He grabbed her hand, pulled her back and kissed her.

That was not how they were supposed to act this scene…

But the director said “Keep rolling”, at first she struggled but then she ended up kissing him back. She sagged against him and sighed as his tongue rolled with hers slowly, his hand angling her head just to the right position. She damn liked it a lot.

“Why you did that?” she asked in character, fluttering her lashes and acting all flushed… Not really hard to play since she was exactly like that.

“Because we are married and I can kiss my wife if I want”

“We are soon to be divorced too, you know?” said Yoorim as she touched her tingling lips.

He just smiled and walked to sit behind his desk. “On that subject, I wanted to talk to you about something” he said as he removed an envelope from the first drawer of his desk. “My lawyer send the documents we have to sign to formally ask for divorce in Hawaii”

Talk about confusing males. Though Yoorim to herself as she grabbed the envelope and retrieved the papers. First, he kissed her because… Still she didn’t know why and then like nothing have happened he give her their divorce papers to sign. “Ok” was all she said as she ran her gaze down the documents.

“You know, as my wife you could ask for pension money”

“Are you crazy!?” she almost screamed, jumping in her seat. “This wasn’t and isn’t a real marriage, I can’t take your money, you are doing a lot by taking care of the legal process… Now that I think about, I should pay for half of the legal fees…”

Seju waived his hand away “It’s nothing, glad to know you are not like those money hunter women around the world.”

Yoorim hurried to find a pen in his desk and sign the papers. “Should I put the date?”

“No, leave it blank, my lawyer told me, the date have to be close to when the papers are going to be submitted to court”

“Ok” said Yoorim as she sat back down, watching in silence as Seju picked the pen and put his sign too.

“Now we are really officially getting divorced.”

“Why did you kiss me?”

“I have to give my future ex-wife a goodbye kiss”

“That…” how to respond to that “That is…”

“Weird” Seju ended for her.


“I just felt like it”

“Ok…” She said still feeling dizzy for what was happening. “But no more kisses”

“Of course” said Seju nodding. “No more kissing, unless you ask… I wouldn’t mind” he said grinning. “You are a good kisser…”

“Well, thank you” she said as she stood up blushing from her seat. “Nice talking to you boss, see you later” She said hurriedly as she arranged the chair back into position, anything but looking at him. “Bye”

She hit her head with the door the moment she turned. “Are you ok?” she heard Seju ask concerned.

Yoorim rushed to say “I’m fine” as she suppressed the urge to rub her forehead. She bowed “Have a nice weekend boss.”

“You too Yoorim, you too…”


“We are filming Running Man!!!” exclaimed Seohyun excited as she received her envelope. Their producer have just giving them the good news.

“Since you two are turning to be a power couple, the directors decided to have you as guess in Running Man”

“OMG I could kiss you” said Seohyun as she hugged their drama producer Leeteuk. “I love that show” she said excitedly as she stepped away. “Aren’t you excited Yonghwa?”

“I’m not called ‘RM Ace’ for nothing” said Yonghwa confidently and she rolled her eyes as she turned to look at Leeteuk.

“Please tell me, I’m playing against him” she said half mockingly, half seriously.

“If that is what you want it can be arranged, Lollipop” said Leeteuk smiling.

“Didn’t I tell you to stop calling me that, it have been ages since people used that nickname to call me… It bring back memories from theater school” she said smiling as she glanced down at the invitation to be a guess in Running Man, she was so excited!!! She felt like screaming ‘Arghhhh’ but she had to be calm and professional in the set.

If only she had noticed the tension growing around her.

Yonghwa felt like a boiling volcano as he watched Leeteuk hug Seohyun, she was a brimming pot of happiness and it was contagious, but watching how Leeteuk look at her, like he wanted to eat her, had him seeing red. And what about the Lollipop nonsense? “So they called you Lollipop in college?” he directed the question to her and she turned to look at him, her dazzling smile always leaving him breathless.

Her eyes brimming with glee she said “Well, actually, I used to always walk around with a Lollipop in my mouth. I loved them, still do. But now I don’t eat them as much… And well… Since I was always walking around with one in my mouth, everyone knew me as the Lollipop girl.”

“Always sucking and twirling it in her mouth” said Leeteuk as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. “It made men crazy, including me”

“Ewwww you sound so kinky!” said Seohyun as she burst out laughing, her hand resting on Leeteuk is arm as she bend over laughing.

“So how is filming going with this guy?” said Leeteuk as he removed some lose hair from Seohyun is face and put it behind her ear. “Is he been good to you?”

Seohyun looked at him and then back at Leeteuk as she whispered in a not so whisper “He is doing fine, so far. A little annoying sometimes but we are good.”

“Good” said Leeteuk as he turned to look at him. “You better behave with my girl here, she is very special”

Was Leeteuk stating some kind of claim on Seohyun… the fuck he was… “I always thread my ladies right, but Seohyun is extra special for me…”

Yonghwa saw Seohyun looking at him, then back at Leeteuk, then back at him. She must realize something was happening when she said “Leeteuk how is your mom?”

“She is fine darling” said Leeteuk turning to look a Seohyun, the glaring battle already over.

“I’m so glad” said Seohyun smiling. “Please tell her I said ‘Hi’”

“Of course Seohyun. She do misses you, she always said you were great dinner company. Do come have dinner with us again?” said Leeteuk as he grabbed Seohyun is had. “She will be happy to have you”

“Sure” said Seohyun smiling too brightly to his liking. “When my schedule returns to normal, I will love to find the time”

“It’s a date then” said Leeteuk as he kissed her cheek. “Goodbye Seohyun”. Leeteuk half smiled in his direction and said “Goodbye Yonghwa”

The man in question left the make-up room and Seohyun began to jump once they were alone. “Can you believe this!? Running Man! I love that show and now I will be in it! What do you think they will make us play Yonghwa?” she said as she sat down next to him in the sofa.

“Leeteuk and you were together?” he asked, trying to mas his annoyance.

“What?” asked Seohyun surprised… “Well, if you must know he was my boyfriend for two years during college…” Seohyun narrowed her eyes at him and glared “And no I didn’t sleep my way into the drama if that is what you are thinking”

“When did I said that?” asked Yonghwa sounding defensive.

“I can read it all over your face” said Seohyun as she signaled to his whole face.

“Can you read minds?”



“Ok, but you were thinking something about those lines” said Seohyun huffing as she crossed her arms and buried herself in the sofa.

Yonghwa scooted closer to her and wrapped his arm over her shoulder, he leaned closer, his mouth touching her ear as he whispered warmly “I was more thinking in how jealous I got when I realized you knew him from before…”

“You got jealous” she whispered as she turned her face to look at him.

“Very” he said as he moved closer. His mouths a few inches away from hers. He looked at her eyes and said “If you don’t move away in the next three seconds I’m going to kiss you Seohyun” He saw her pupils dilate “One…” her breathing accelerated “Two…” She licked her lips slow, like preparing herself… “Thr…”

“We are ready for you next scene” said the assistant director as he entered the room, his head bend down ridding his clipboard.
He didn’t get to notice how Yonghwa had jumped away from the sofa and was standing in front of the mirror. Or how Seohyun was busily checking the rack of clothes beside the sofa. “Sure, we are ready” he heard Seohyun said as she walked to the door.

The assistant director walked out and Yonghwa grabbed her hand before she could step out. “We can’t keep like this, we need to talk…”

“Yonghwa I don’t want to make things complicated…” She said looking very decided.

“You and I, both know there is something else between us” He said intensely, not backing down from his point.

Seohyun sighed “And I don’t want to do anything about it… At least not now…”

“I can live with a ‘not now’ for the moment, but I won’t give up” he said as he pulled her closer, the half open door blocking them from the world beyond the door. Eyes locked together, his eyes roamed her face and landed on her mouth, she licked her mouth as he whispered “Three…”

Seohyun pulled away as she looked at him decidedly. “Not now Yonghwa…” was all she said as she turned around and walked out the make-up room.

He had so much pent up frustration that he had to clench and unclench his hands several times to relax his body. “This woman is going to be the death of me…” he said to no one in particular as he shook his head and laughed alone… She was driving him crazy, definitely crazy… There was no other way to describe this insane urge to just walk to her and kiss her senseless… Especially when she could talk so easily and prettily with her other male co-stars… And with him… “Seo JooHyun what I’m to do with you?”

What indeed… Or more like When, because it was meant to happen, sooner or later she was going to be all his and only his… No more ex-boyfriend or other men sniffing at her heels.

Just him and only him…

Author’s note:

Muahahahhaha Next chapter Running Man!!! Muahahhahaha I can’t wait, I so wanted to write about them playing Running Man, it’s finally going to take place!!! Would it be a mud fight? Or A water fight? Seohyun in the hunter team or the hiding team for the last round? Muahahahah so many ideas in my head!

And feel free to threw your ideas for the running man chapter, at least two of the games are set on my head, still thinking what the third game will be XD

Oh Oh Oh the Joy!!! XD Weekend come soon!!! XD Have a nice week! As always comments are appreciated!!!

yongseo, lcl

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