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Nov 11, 2005 00:03

OMg! so guess what worlds!? ..I stjust totalyy stole two lwantkwantlen crin chroncicles! yesh rrom form school !! o!H many god!as I'm so filyhy! YEsh yes a treat fro the fingers.! That;'s for damsn sured! I havenyt' red anhy of them yet. BUTR I SHAL MR CBUTERSWORTH! I SHALL! Ommmok ! letsh get this paryt startre!d! First off! COJMMIYUNISM!! i MEAN COmminism! .communbsim mcommunism! YEAH!s Mc Communisma! what would teh world be like tigf if commy ewwssd was gtrren hgreen? eh!? my friend said tehyre would be sexy accentbs but I just day LAMER WHORE@ and thats yteh end ogf THAT! I gott a peepe man I had thyu just frelfui refuk refuk refikllefd the sopuap but I needed to pput thge psoap in thge pumnpedr soaps dispecncer and masn! U think ouwld andhave muss but I like this cosngh! it reminsdds me of earthwuakes! and pireates! and ptriaret eautrh quakes.! those are the wrost! OMHG! lok out for boxistis!! aha ahahah! OWNDED! UI;'m listening tio korn notw. They are beautidlful in side! but soppeopl don;'t care for insner beauty al naanyh mroe! Just take king kiong for ewxampekl. Hinside whe he's just ajhutt hurtuing baloohga but outside he's a mean burritos! man ! I'm so goihng to klcik patrAISN ohmg cAPSs! ass in taco fel mar in eatsing! I bvet I could take ojn the fat guy from grownig pains! yeah! I d jusyt dsay HEY FDATTY! and ewhe's cried. amndnt tehn I'd blwo him up hiwith a fire crcackler,. I'm going tio draw a picture!! eyah!

I'l explaion this phiotograph! the guy whho is there si Jack wlayreoytn ton na sda adn wh'd whe; he;s with kerry tehghansd handosn guy ! uin the cornber is katuire katrie who;s sad btecause heshe;s a hrearfd makrer,. bytu it's ok btuwcause hse sahto. giott a pe again.pee hsould nebe a natutrral dreasuicore because it flowsas so freeely!! yeha! he;'as ben is on! na d ong! it's like 21 12 alreayd so I giot to bed adb hgang out twithgh th eold veterasnas tomorrow. I'llllll n whey jwait look 'whheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee take some sdteammy pictures!
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