Oct 22, 2004 14:32
I'm at home! thank goodness! i needed a break from all the craziness which we all like to call MSU..
where did i leave off?
oh yes
Monday night....
Okay, so Monday night, we were watching Real World/ Road Rules Battle of the Sexes when we got a phone call.. and no one EVER calls our room phone...
well, i answer it, and it was some scary guy..
Me: Hello?
man: what are you doing?
Me: (thinking it was the guys down the hall) Who is this?
man: you know who this is?
i could tell it wasn't the guys, so i just hung up, thinking it was some loser trying to play a joke on us...
a few minutes later, the girls from across the hall come over and ask if we received the same phone call.. they did the same thing to them.. so, we went next door (the last room in the hall) to ask if they got the phone call, and they also did.. but Emily and Kim's room didn't and Lindsey's room also didn't.
and it wouldn't be a big deal, except there is a crazy person on our floor... Every Tuesday morning, some man with a key tries to get in the room next to me, and my room. Someone also put something in the girls' across the hall's door, so their lock wouldn't lock. These things have only been happening to the four last rooms of the hall... we think it's because we're around a corner, away from everyone else. we are also the first girl floor on that side, and we are RIGHT next to a stairwell, an easy getaway... they don't have to go the other way, where the RA's office is, and every other room in our hall... also, if they went that way, they would have to either A) go down the guys hall, with an RA there also, or B) down the main stairway... AND it doesn't help when there are crazy people around MSU attacking girls.. the News said that the police have mapped out this one guy.. and they think his next 'hit' is the east complex... where i live
so anyway, back to my story... so everyone is alittle scared right now, and one girl goes down to the front desk to see what we should do, they gave her the police number and told her to call,because although Akers knows about what is going on, the police don't and no one is really doing anything to help us. So we end up calling the police.. and in the mean time, Cameran gets kicked off Battle of the Sexes... LONG LIVE CAMMY!! :-(
so when the police get here, we talk to them and tell them everything is going on, but since it was only one phone call, they can't do anything about it. but they did take note about everything that is going on with our rooms and such.
when that all settled down, i went down to Mo's room, and watched tv with the guys, then Mo and I watched 13 going on 30... he was too cute, he didn't want me walking back to my room by myself, so he walked me back.. it was cute
Tuesday was boring... i pretty much did homework all day and then Tuesday is a big TV night with the girls.
HOWEVER, on Tuesday, Kim, Megan, Lindsey, and I all went to the Union to get OC tickets to watch the first 2 episodes of the OC next tuesday, before they even air!!! BE JEALOUS!!!!! i'm SOOOOOOOO OOO OOOO excited! i'm about to pee just thinking about it!!!
Wednesday was another boring day....
Mo called me when i was in math, and left me the cutest message ever! First off, i have an away message that John Mayer said at his November concert, it goes:
"You know how you always check your phone to see if the person you want to call has called. and you will run to your cell and pray to see 'One Missed Call' but instead all you see is the time and the date. And you know how you check your voicemail 100 times a day, but the women from the telephone company is a fucking weenie and just says 'you have no new messages' in the most annoying voice. God, i want to smack the shit out of her."
well, he called and was like "you know how you always check your phone to see if you have a missed call? well, i'm your missed call for the day"
how EFFING cute is that?!?!?
Wednesday night, we went down to Dan and Rick's room to watch the game, then Kim, Jeremy, Mo and I all played monkey in the middle in the hall.. it was funny.. then Kim, Emily and I watched Family guy and went to bed
when i was getting ready for bed, i heard someone yell" GO SOX!! GO GREEN! GO WHITE!!!" um.. another point to show that Spartans are CRAZY IN THE HEAD!!!
THursday was boring.. i didn't do anything other than watch TV and come home...
sorry, it was a long one....
i'll talk to you all later!