Jul 11, 2006 16:54
So I almost died the other day. Yea, Johnny threw me on the kitchen floor, I landed on my back, and he was choking me. The back of my head was busted up...bleeding. He pretty much destroyed my apartment. He stole my money. He told me he was going to kill me and Caden if I called the cops. This all happened on July 9th...around 5pm. Don't worry, I've called the cops, made a statement, and went to get a protective order. It went through but there's going to be a hearing. This is my 3rd protective order that I've had on him. Yes, I know you're all probably thinking that I'm a complete dumbass. Well, if you only knew. That's about all I can say about that. I know its hard to understand why I kept going back. I don't even understand it half of the time. The point is, I'm not going back. I don't know where he is. I wish I did so they could arrest him. His 'Aunt' Patty took him away. She always sticks up for him and didn't call the cops or tell me where she took him or anything. This isn't unusual though. She's always been in denial about everything that he does. She even saw my head bleeding and had the balls to say "When I fell down my bump was bigger than that." I wanted to slap her. So I've had to go to the hospital twice. The first was for the head injury. Then I went yesterday b/c my jaw, ribs, collar bone, neck, & head was all hurting really bad from it. I've had 2 shots. One in my hip that really sucked and the other in the arm. I'm trying to keep things as normal as I can for Caden but its hard. I can't go home, go to work, or anything really that was normal. He is still going to his daycare though..so thats good. I'm still in pain..but its getting better, slowly. I'll let you know of any updates if you care to know. I'm staying w/ a friend right now. I'm kinda tired right now so I'll write more later or something.