(no subject)

Aug 10, 2010 13:32

I'm now counting down the days until we head back to Mississippi.  Not sure if I'd mentioned previously, but we couldn't really afford daycare, with Nate and I both working we would've just about broke even, maybe had an extra hundred or two if we both worked on top of bills and daycare.  So Nate quit his job to stay home with Chase, since to me it meant more than my son was staying home with a parent than having an extra 100-200 dollars a month.  But that also means that we're just barely breaking even month to month on my salary (I made more than Nate and also had the health insurance, which is why I wasn't the stay-at-home :().  So about 2 weeks ago Nate's dad offered to help us with moving costs if we moved back down to live near them.  Since then he has found us an apartment (already leased so it's ready to move into as soon as we get there) we've reserved a U-haul truck for the 30th, and we'll be heading out either the first or second of September (only staying because my Gram and Grandpa are visiting the 31st and 1st to meet Chase).  In the meantime I'm working up until the 27th because I still have medical bills to worry about, student loans coming off deferment (oh crap), and our current apartment lease will cost us $2600 to get out of (ouch), which his dad isn't covering.  I've applied to about 6 or 7 jobs so far down in MS and hoping I get one, but very, very worried about this move, since last time I was living there I was there for the better part of 4 months and never had a single job call back out of the HUNDREDS of applications I put in.  Scary.

But it can't be any worse than here.  At least there we have family, I guess!  I'm ready for a couple of weeks without work anyway.  Babies are exhausting!  He slept through the night for the first time on Monday :)  He slept straight through from 11:30pm until Nate woke him up at 8:30am.  He woke up twice last night because I finally sucked up the restraint to actually make him sleep in his own crib instead of with me (everyone keeps yelling at me for that, but I can't help myself :P) and he doesn't really like sleeping in his crib.  I didn't sleep so well myself honestly! I cuddled one of his blankets all night and cried myself to sleep, lol.

Anyway, I digress.  So in the next 3 weeks I have full-time work, plus packing up the apartment, plus the baby room needs to be repainted to the awful brown color that they've drenched our apartment building in.  I'm hoping Nate will do the painting, since I painted the room to begin with since he didn't want to help, but dude's kinda lazy, so we'll see.  Since he's been home with Chase he literally just plays WoW all day.  It's rather annoying honestly.  I try to ignore it, but when there's rarely a clean bottle to be found and I have to come home after a whole day's work and still cook dinner, feed and change Chase every time (once I get home he pretty much doesn't touch the baby anymore) and he just sits there and continues to play WoW, it is just frustrating.  But anytime I try to bring it up he just gets offended like I don't want him to have a hobby.  I just don't think it's healthy to play a computer game 24/7.  Apparently he doesn't see it that way.  And if I do bring it up, he just sulks until I end up apologising anyway, and then I just get mad that I had to apologise!  Argh! 

 (Chase's room after I painted it in January)

But in my 1hr or so of free time that I have a day, I've found a new hobby of my own - www.blurb.com  Awesome!  I'm making Chase's baby book here.  I was going to make a scrapbook baby book, but this is sooo much more fun (and so much less mess!!!) because I don't have time to take out all of my scrapbooking stuff and put it away - with literally only an hour a night if I'm lucky, I wouldn't get anything done at all.  So far I've only gotten about 6 pages done, but I'm loving the way it's turning out :)

The apartment is a 2 bedroom with 1 1/2 baths.  It's not the one I was hoping for, but we do have a nice pool and a hot tub and laundry inside the apartment (yaaaay no more community laundry!) and central air, dishwasher, garbage disposal, and everything we need really :)  It's just not as pretty or as big as the one I wanted :P The other was gated too, and had a playground for kids.  But it was about 300 more a month.  So we just got a 6mo lease on this apartment, that way if we manage to find decent jobs, we could always move into the bigger one in January :)  Not looking forward to the heat, but at least we'll be out of scrubby, ugly Wyoming!

mississippi, chase, wyoming, moving

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