long time!

Jun 20, 2007 08:19

Well, I figure since Blizz is making me download a massive patch on my slow ass computer I can take the time to write up a quick update!  Not tons been going on in the world-o-me as usual.  Started classes yesterday, a Non-fiction class for the moment.  It's ok I guess - weird considering Im mainly a fiction person, but it makes a nice change :)

Been raining lots here (hurrah!) so been going on a lot of walks.  Stopped in at the CNAS which in my WoW euphoria have neglected to do all bloody summer (can't believe summer's half over already! didn't even notice it go by!) but everyone was out of the office for the week apparently, so I shall say a 'hello April!' here instead and hopefully manage to get over there again next week :)

Hm.  other than that not much happening - going to England/Ireland next month.  Get to meet up with a bunch of my Guildies on WoW (some may find it sad, but I'm excited =P) Staying the weekend with them in Devon.  Woo!  Should be good times :)

Found my big bro, Gary, on myspace yesterday.  Funny way to have to find family huh :)

Not much else to report that I care to spend the time typing about and my patch has just finished installing, so snagging an hour of WoW while I can.  Stupid class and homework keep me busy all day.  No time to play anymore! :(

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