
Sep 15, 2006 23:51

It's official, Im moving to England sometime around the beginning of Oct ... so if anyone wants to hang out, I'll be moving home Friday after graduation and I'll be there a week, maybe a bit more depending on plane ticket situation :)  So gimme a call or leave a comment or whatever.  Pref, gimme a call, cause after Friday I wont have net til I get to UK.

Man, Im stoked.  We dunno if we're stayin in England or goin to Ireland or what, but either way I'm a freaking happy camper xD  Mom's currently trying to sell my Shamrocker... so if anyone knows of anyone who wants the coolest car on the planet - lemme know that too ;)  Gonna miss the beast.  Good times with that car.  Esp with stop signs and Beta fish, and weird key occurances.  *sighs*

Also still trying to fix cat situation, need to get ahold of Sara.  Maybe mom will send him down to Florida to hang with her until I get settled somewhere.  :-\

Today was the last day of Practicum.  It started as usual with me groggily tumbling out of bed and cursing whoever thought of the Practicum part of the program.  After I got there, as usual, I immediately cheered up (who wouldnt when the cutest 23 month old boy in the world is uber excited to see you?)  and most importantly, woke up, and had a great day.  We started by giving presents - I gave Charlotte some baby einstein things and Grover got a Elmo/Cookie Monster wobbly/talking head and an Elmo "big boy" puzzle (i.e. not the ones with the knobs on the pieces and the fitted holes =P)... course he immediately made a beeline for Charlotte's gifts and decided he wanted those ;)  They gave me a gorgeous Book of Kells journal... i'll have to try to scan in, tho i doubt it'd come out even half the quality it is in RL.  it's fab.

The morning went v (too?) quickly, before I knew it the kids were ready for naps - as I took Grover up and explained to him that it was our last week and I was going home etc, the poor kid started screaming and crying and having a fit... he had *the* largest tears on his face I've ever seen.  He was miserable, and i felt like an old cow for doing it to him... I knew he'd grown attached to my being there on Friday's, but I hadn't quite realized just how much.  I talked to him a bit more, told him he was coming to my graduation and he'd see me then next Friday and he'd get to meet my mom (Me: "would you like to meet my mommy?"  Grover:  *thinks for a moment, clinging to my neck with a death grip unimaginable for a 2 yr old*  "...yep." hehe)  Also promised to send him cards etc for his bday/christmas and all those other fun things.

After I finally got him off to sleep (or at least in his crib and i managed to escape before the wailing started =P) i went down and sat with Charlotte and played with her a little, then got her ready for her nap.  Sam and I talked for a bit about general things... my moving to england, my mom's fiance situation (she's having second thoughts about marriage since she's finally realizing he's a bit of an assbag), my job situation (or lack of one really), etc.  After that she took a nap and I came home to collect a few books I'd borrowed from her over my time here and get her graduation invitation.

The rest of the afternoon went relatively smoothly.  I got Grover up from his nap and before I even had the door fully open he screamed "HOOOOOOOT!" (meaning Cait - he says it a speshul way =P) and then proceeded to not let me go at all for the rest of the time except when he was eating his snack, so I fed Charlotte while he was doing that.  The goodbye's were difficult... I really do love that family :)  Sam and I exchanged #'s and email's and she gave me her address, though I have no idea what mine will be ;) I can't wait to see them again next friday tho :)   It was very sad when I left... Sam was saying goodbye and said something to the effect of "I doubt you'll miss us as much, but you will definitely be missed by all of us, we loved having you here and wish it could be longer" or something like that... I don't remember exact wording 'cause I was too busy trying not to cry like Grover =P  Was very sweet though.  *sighs*

So now it's just sorting and packing... I started sorting things today, since I can only take 2 suitcases on the plane.  Have thrown away one garbage bag full of stuff thus far.  Hopefully my packrat tendencies don't kick in, otherwise at 3am I may be found half in the bag pulling out some things that were very difficult to throw out.

I'm happy though.  I'll get to be with John :)


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