Did you guys see that shit tonight? Daaaaaaaammmmnnnn.
Mom sent me an email today to let me know that she bought me this bag:
http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2897795?Category=&Search=True&SearchType=keywordsearch&keyword=betsy+johnson+in+Handbags+%26+Accessories&origin=searchresults LOVE IT. Big is the new small, you know.
I am actually talking to Mom on AIM right now:
REXedward: ok well its brown like you wanted i had to hoard it while looking in pile so many grabbers
Jeremy and I saw Little Miss Sunshine today. I think it was one of the best movies I have seen in the theater in a long time. It actually made me a little teary in certain parts. Maybe I loved and identified with Olive so much because I was a fat little girl with soul and sweatbands.