Since the subject came up

Feb 09, 2019 21:46

Create your own visitor map!

For those just randomly friending me out of the blue and not saying so:

As stated in my profile -
Please note: This LJ is now (as of February 2007) for the most part friends-only. If you wish to be a part of it, please leave a comment in one of the open entries. [And I do believe there are more than enough public entries around these parts of LJ] I'll gladly consider adding you to my f-list. In clearer words: no comment, no adding back, it's that simple. :)

Please understand that I may not friend you back if you have very few comments posted despite being on LJ for quite some time or if you have very few friends despite being a member of many communities. I want to communicate with the people on my flist and the beforementioned things are definetly signs that you're not interested in that. If I haven't friended you back after a month or so, I'm likely not going to, so you may want to take me off your list as well.

If I took you off my list, it's not an insult by any means; it just means that I haven't found a basis to communicate with you. Or I found you hot-linking images of mine.


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