Jul 05, 2004 16:45
yeah yeah yeah, so on july 1st, we didnt go out to dinner for lovely victoria ann peragallos birthday becasue her and barbs got into a fight, so i went over to delias casa, and we did alot of nothing. rob was there. so we walked to stop and shop, rob got some goodies for the evening, for him self. and we walked to cedar creek to have a littlee pow wow. it was cute. so we got there and we had to hop a huge fence, then we got to sit on the top of the 'White Mounthains' it was just huge sand dunes, so as i rote 'thing' in the sand with rocks, i listened to delia and rob biccer about dumb stuff, it was cute tho, we came up with our new logo. The Tittie Trio, because delia and i told rob that if they are giong to start seeing eachother, tehres no way that robert jarome richards can take delia angeline young away from kerry ann grogan. lol so we told him its all or notihng. ALL IT IS BIATCHES.. lol so after rob drank his beers, we decided to call it a nite. so i walked home and was home by 11:15. hells yes! lol
===wow i just got put in a bad mood, ill update more. good fuucking bye
-forget wat they all say, its gunna happen *