Dinner-ed at NYDC (wheelock) with mich,vith and ting.
Simply love spending my time talking/laughing/crapping/gossiping/shouting with these girls.
And michelle turns 19 today, haha!
Dinner was damn filling i swear, but the baked pastas we had were rather yummy!
What we did at ting's house ytd:
1) We baked cookies! We kinda suck in baking. LOL!
2) We played MJ, using the cookies we baked as chips.
And guess what, me and weiting lost all of our cookies to vith, but we refused to pay up, hahaha!!
3) We played the retardest game on earth : Wii
OMG, we're all having muscle aches now from all the punching (Boxing)
4) There are still some stuff that we did but im not mentioning them here, hahaha ((:
Anyhows, another fun day in school as well.
Bran asked this really dumb question. Here it goes,
'Eh iPhone what brand ah?'
Needless to say, he became the laughing stock of the day.
I hope he doesnt kill me for this, opps!
Retards at work, hahaha!
We love you mich (:
And, I think Im fat cause Justina says so.
And yes, It seems like I have forgotten what exactly is Alevels.