May 04, 2005 17:16
I have a cold. Or alergies. Or something. My nanna claims that living here all your life will give uyou alergies eventually, and I think she's right. Or it could just be the fluxuating weather. Anyway ...
English: finished exam review by reading some poems, singing "AP Score o 5" (a parody of "Mambo Number 5 written by Graham and a former student that made me laugh really hard) and reading the Top Ten Rejected AP Exam Open Question Prompts. Number 1 was: "Often in college you have to write papers while suffering from a raging hangover, so hit yourself over the head with a hammer a few times and then answer the following ..." Might also write the rest of them in here.
Folklore: more Hobbit.
Spee ch: did my speech, Hillary Clinton's "It Takes a Village ..." from the '96 DNC Convention. I had downloaded it of the Internet onto my Braille Note and it hadn't translated well, plus it's really hard to read from a BN that's perched on a music stand, so I did slow my rate down a bit. And I decided what I'm going to do for my two final speeches. The first is a poem we have to record and give to Mr. Chorusey. I'm doing one of my favorites, "Hungry Mungry" by Shel Silverstein. Amd for my actual final, I'm supposed to give a speech to demonstrate, so I'm going to demonstrate Braille to the class complete with volunteers. Judi gave me some pretty good ideas for that one.
Film: finished Rocky and started Tootsie. Unfortunately, Dustin Hoffman hasn't dressed up like a woman, yet.
Apgap: talked about stuff.
Lunch: more stuff, nothing that memorable.
Chorus: spent most of the period teaching the altoes "Happy Together"
Study Halls 1/2: embossed, searched the Internet for stuff on the history of Braille and talked to Judi.
AP English exam tomorrow. I wish I wasn;'t taking it and I really don't care anymore. Good luck to anyone else taking it.