Dec 02, 2004 21:29
Since I don't feel like giving you a full recap of the past few days, here are the important things.
Got my Act scores back. Got a 23 overall. Not bad, but not fabulous either.
Had Parent-teacher night yesterday. Wasn't as terrible as expected.
Today was freshman retreat. It went pretty well. My talk was on acceptance and respect, and I used Rudolph the red-nosed rheindeer as an example. I even got everybody to sing the song. All the other talks were really good too, especially Bev's and surprisingly Joe G's. Bev and I also had quight a fun talk group.
And I learned I might not have a job come January. And I'm not happy about this as you can imagine.
Going to visit Swarthmore tomorrow with Dad, then my prayer meeting which I have yet to write. Will do that in the car on the way to Pa I guess.
Congrats Erin on getting into Hartford.
Congrats Amanda on being voted Most Likely to Succeed. You deserve it.
And happy one-year aniversary Rob and Becky.