My Podcast is Here!!

Feb 09, 2006 00:37

Today was a pretty decent day overall but the good news of the subject line just tops it. After several weeks of trying I've finally published my first podcast. If you want to check it out you can go to or if you have a podcatcher, add the following feed:
The very first episode of Kerri: Live from Everywhere isn't much, just a two-minute intro/testcast thingy to see if it would work, but I plan to put more up there as time goes on. If you have any comments or suggestions for the podcast, let me know. I could certainly use some topic ideas.
In other news, today Judi came by and we went out for a nice lunch. It was nice to see her again and to hear about all the fun stuff she's doing now that she's retired. Tomorrow Mom's heading down to Florida to spend a relaxing few days with Nanna. And I might be spending time with Glenn, Krista, and Megan this weekend. Hopefully everything will work out.

recap, podcast

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