playing catch-up

Sep 03, 2016 11:00


It's been such a stupidly busy week, with an emphasis on the stupid part. Basically I've had exactly ZERO time for myself to read, etc. I'm woefully behind on fests, LJ in general, your personal posts, etc. It fucking sucks. BUT, it's a holiday weekend and we've got very little planned so I'm super hoping to catch up on all the awesome Tropes, BBTP and Drizzle out there. I feel so disconnected!

On a slightly different note, I did just finish listening to Carry On by Rainbow Rowell and I am listening to Fangirl right now. Maybe I did them out of order, but I need more Snow and Baz. Duh, right? So I have a question for those of you who are active in more than one fandom, where do you start when you are looking for the good stuff to read? I don't have patience to wade through the mediocre! It sounds bad, I know. But I literally fell into HD I the middle of Erised '15, which y'all know how quality that was so, yeah, I'm super spoiled when it comes to the good stuff. I didn't even have to work to find it. So I don't know how! Lol. So where's a girl to start?
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