Wooooo, random surveys.

Jan 26, 2003 19:11

Blatantly stolen from CrushedOleander, who blatantly stole it from Enginoshouzoku!

[my name is]: AJ
[height?]: 5'4
[weight?]: I'm not sure, I haven't seen a scale in years and don't particularly care to.
[in the morning I am]: More awake than my friends.
[all I need is]: love (badadadada)
[love is]: Bliss!
[if I could see one person right now]: it would be Mike! Yay!
[I'm afraid of]: Death.
[I dream about]: weird stuff, man. Really weird stuff.

-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[been in love]: Yep =D
[cried when someone died]: I don't know anyone who's died.
[lied]: Me?? ::looks offended::

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or Pepsi]: I don't care.
[flowers or candy]: Good candy. Otherwise, pretty flowers.
[tall or short]: Medium height.

-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: Elizabeth =D
[makes you smile]: All my friends!
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: What kind of funny?
[do you have a crush on?]: I don't think it counts as a crush...
[easiest to talk to]: depends on the subject.

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: Not anymore =)
[save aol/aim conversations]: Not unless they're really funny.
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: It might be easier. And harder in different situations... ::shrugs::
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: Yes.

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[been rejected?]: no, I don't ask.
[rejected someone]: no, I don't get asked.
[used someone]: no
[been cheated on]: not that I know of.
[cheated on someone]: no
[done something you regret]: Of course.

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: Elizabeth!
[hugged]: Either Mom or Mike.
[you instant messaged]: Atrina-kay!!
[instant messaged you]:Ehh, possible Katrina? I'm not sure.
[you laughed with]: Elizabeth!

-D O .Y O U-
[color your hair]: Nope
[ever get off the computer]: Lol, I hardly sign on anymore.
[habla espanol]: Only enough to know when to glare and when to laugh.

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: Only really good cloves on very rare occasions.
[obsessive]: In some things.
[could you live without the computer?]: Yes, but not comfortably.
[how many peeps are on your buddy list?]: 61!! I only every really talk to like, 5 though.
[what's your favorite food?]: Chicken!! And sweets.
[what's your favorite fruit?]: Zell!! Wait, no. I like most fruit.
[drink alcohol?]: Nope.
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: Theysa pretty!
[what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?]: Emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: No, no trust.

Have you ever...

Fallen for your best friend? Yep =D
Made out with JUST a friend? Lol, nope.
Been rejected? Nope.
Been in love? Yep.
Been in lust? constantly!!
Used someone? no
Been used? Not that I know of
Cheated on someone? Nope
Been cheated on? not that I know of....
Done something you regret? Damned repeat questions. Yes.

Who was the last person...

You touched? Either Mom or Mike.
You talked to? my mom
You hugged? Mom or Mike.
Instant messaged? Katrina
You kissed? Mike!
You yelled at? Probably Mike for killing me in Halo, but a serious yell it was probably Katrina a year ago.
You laughed with? Elizabeth!

Have you/are you/do you...

Considered a life of crime? Not really
Considered being a hooker? Not too seriously.
Considered being a pimp? Not seriously.
Are you psycho? Not toooo much.
Split personalities? Nope.. =/
Obsessive? On some things
Obsessive compulsive? no.
Panic? Not really
Anxiety? Sometimes
Depressed? Sometimes, but not really at all recently.
Suicidal? Never
Obsessed with hate? Nope
Give in too frequently? Sometimes, depends on what I'm giving in to.
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? Not that I recall.
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? Not seriously.

Are you..

Understanding: I try to be really understanding.
Open-minded: Yep.
Arrogant: Maybe
Insecure: Yes
Interesting: Not particularly, I'm more interesting in person.
Hungry: Nope, just had dinner.
Friendly: To people I like.
Smart: Sometimes, about some things.
Moody: Sometimes
Childish: Sometimes.
Independent: I try to be.
Hard working: Working hard, or hardly working? =D
Organized: Not really.
Healthy: I'm not having a heart attack.
Emotionally Stable: I think so.
Shy: About some things.
Difficult: About some things.
Attractive: Lol. I don't think so, but who knows.
Bored Easily: ::wanders off::
Thirsty: No.
Responsible: Um... Sometimes?
Sad: Nope!
Happy: Yep!
Trusting: Sometimes =D
Talkative: With certain people.
Original: Not really.
Different: I'm a mesh of all the same.
Unique: yup just like everyone else.
Lonely: Not anymore.

Do You..

Color your hair? No
Have tattoos? No
Piercings? Ears
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yep
Floss daily? Nope
Own a webcam? Nope
Ever get off the computer? Yes
Sprechen sie deutsche? No.
Habla espanol? Not a lot.

On Dating...

Long or short hair? I don't care.
Dark or blond hair? Don't care
Tall or short? Taller
Mr./Ms. Sensitive or Mr./Ms. Funny? Both
Good boy/girl or bad boy/girl? Mostly nice, but not totally innocent.
Dark or light eyes? Doesn't matter.
Hat or no hat? Is this really relevant?
Pierced or no? Don't care
Freckles or none? Doesn't matter.
Stubble or neatly shaved? Don't care, preferably shaved.
Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type? Umm... neither.
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