Start Time::9:46 PASTFirst grade teacher's name::Miss Harris Last word you said::not sure, I havnet talked yet today Last song you sang:sweet southern comfort (country song) Last thing you laughed at::decorating our window with canucks stuff and having our neighbours yell at us!! lol Last time you cried::last night I cried into myself when the nucks lost! PRESENTWhat's in your cd player?:a country mix What color socks are you wearing?:barefoot What's under your bed?:carpet What time did you wake up today?:730 ish CurrentCurrent hair::messy and pulled up (I havent' showered yet!) Current clothes::pj pants and my college sweatshirt Current annoyance::men Current smell::i don't smell anything right now Current longing::for the nucks to win tomorrow Current desktop picture::canucks wallpaper Current favorite music artist::clay of course Current book::mystic river Current worry::my presentation I have to do today Current hate::the flames Story behind your username::i love the sunshine! and 21 is my bday Current favorite article of clothing::my jean capris RandomnessFavorite physical feature on a girl? about on a guy? and that would be eyes Line from the last thing you wrote to someone::"i miss the mountains" I am happiest when::with friends and family and feeling totaly relaxed I feel lonely when::there is no one around and I am forced to think about my life Favorite authors::VC Andrews, Judy Blume If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?:Kelowna Famous person you have met::Carolyn Dawn Johnson, barenaked ladies Do you have any regrets?:nope, they are all good learning expereinces Sex or love::love Favorite coffee::timmy french vanilla Favorite smell::guys cologne What makes you mad?:the canucks losing Favorite way to waste time::on the net doing stupid surveys like this What is your best quality?:my ability to listen Are in currently in love/lust?:nope What's the craziest thing you have ever done?:ummmm....hehe Any bad habits?:procrastinating, cracking my knuckles Do you find it hard to trust people?:yes, it takes me a long time to trust someone Last thing you bought yourself::undies from la senza Bath or shower?:both Favorite season::summer Favorite color::yellow Favorite flavor::vanilla Favorite time of day::evening Gold or silver?:silver Any secret crushes? FASHIONDo you wear a watch?:yes i do Favorite stores::lots of stores How big is your closet?:i have two closests and they are both big and full Ever spend more then $200 in a store?:yes FriendsDo your friends know everything about you?:nope, I don't even know everything about me What do they tend to be like?:my friends are awesome Can you count on them?:most of them yes Can they count on you?:yes Last:book you read::I'm not filling this section out since its exaclty the same as the last survey I did last movie you saw:: movie you saw on the big screen:: show you watched on tv:: song you heard:: thing you had to drink:: thing you ate:: time you showered:: time you smiled:: time you laughed:: person you hugged:: person you talked to online:: person you talked to on the phone:: Do You?Smoke?:occasionally when I drink Do drugs?:nope Drink?:sometimes Have sex?:not right now, I'm deprived Sleep with stuffed animals?:sometimes Have a dream that keeps coming back?:yes, I dream that I cant pee!! lol Play an instrument?:piano sorta Believe there is life on other planets?:yes Read the newspaper?:yup, sometimes Believe in miracles?:yes Consider yourself tolerant?:depends on what I have to be tolerant of Consider police a friend or foe?:that depends Like the taste of alchohol?:some types Believe in astrology?:nope Believe in magic?:nope Go to church?:for easter and christmas Have any secrets?:of course Have any pets?:yes, a dog and two fish Go or plan to attened college?:almost graduated! Talk to strangers?:haha...yes Have any piercings?:6 in my ears Have any tattoos?:nope Hate yourself?:no Wish on stars?:yes Like your handwriting?:its ok Believe in witches?:no Believe in ghosts?:yes Believe in santa?:of course! Believe in the easter bunny?:lol Believe in the tooth fairy?:i guess, she only ever gave me a quarter for a tooth Sing in the shower?:nope, in the car End Time::thank goodness
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