i should've known better.

Jul 19, 2006 20:15

so...life is not treating me too well.

i would say that today may just be the worst day i have EVER had.

starting with me waking up to something that, although painful, i had to laugh at. b/c i was so stupid to think that it wouldn't happen again.

i was stupid, i was foolish, i was dumb. i realize that, and i can't blame anyone but myself. i tried to trust you, but you let me down again. what else is new?

wrote down my rebuttle. something that was long over due.

i've realized that i'm in love with the person i know you can be. but now, you are not that person, no matter how hard i pretend you are. and i never know if you will ever be that person again. meanwhile, i can't wait around to find out.

they say that you don't realize what you have until it's gone.

in this case, i hope you do. b/c i would have been something special for you if you would have taken me as you should have. i gave it my all, but it was not enough. and i dont want to feel this way ever again.

also today: i got into another car accident. thinking about things and being upset while driving really does affect your driving. luckily there was only a dent in this beat up old work truck's bumper, so i hope that they won't do much. i'll die.

i'm gunna go see alli now. plus, im going to go out to eat with ben tonight. and possibly get to hang out with jen later on. i need to see some people who really do care about me and appreciate me for the person that i am.

i apologize to anyone who i've cast out of my life, if even for a short time, for something that ended up being not worth it.

i just have to keep my head up and roll with what i have. i love my friends, and i know that this hurt will not be here forever.

so, to you, good luck. i'm sure that after a while this feeling in my stomach will go away, and i'll be able to forget about you.

just know that you've lost something really special, someone who gave you all of her unconditionally, but stupidly.

i hope that you've learned a lesson through all of this. you'll never have anyone like me, and i hope that you can change for the betterment of any relationships in your future.

it hurts.
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