And from today

Jun 15, 2010 08:00

If you're a parent and parenting isn't the hardest thing you've ever done, you're probably not doing it right.

Have to keep reminding self there are people who genuinely don't want to use social media. Also, some people don't enjoy food. Or puppies.

Aren't you glad you went to all that effort to register your Starbucks card?

RT @gregwind: That Dempsey goal vs. England looks just as sad and important when re-enacted by legos.

RT @stacebass: Vegetables look so much more delicious than they actually are

I'm outraged by something that most other people would find outrageous, but too boring to even talk about. :-)

One bad apple may not spoil the whole bunch, but have you seen the havoc a single moldy st
rawberry can cause on a quart?

(I'm looking at you, @traderjoeslist)

OK, @TraderJoesList. I'm done. Moldy strawberries, moldy peaches, and now MOLDY YOGURT? What the hell is going on in Warwick? #traderjoes
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