Harry Potter: The Son of the Woman That Died

May 02, 2013 17:50

There's something that's been bugging me for a while: why is Harry Potter famous? No, I don't mean "what is he famous for?" I mean "who told the press"? Actually, I don't care so much who told the press (I mean, it was probably Dumbledore); the thing is, it's terribly unlikely for Harry Potter to be famous, not unless someone deliberately set out to make him famous (whether that be Dumbledore or the Minister of Magic or whoever...). There were no witnesses to what happened that night. Nobody apart from Harry himself, and it's not like a traumatized toddler is going to be talking to the Daily Prophet. Harry Potter is famous for something he didn't do: defeating Voldemort. It was Lily who did that. Yet it is Harry who gets all the credit.

Given that... why hasn't anyone written a story in which nobody invented the concept of "The Boy Who Lived"? A story in which Lily did get the credit, and Harry isn't famous; just one orphan among many?
Now, I've seen a story or two where someone else other than Harry is called "The Boy Who Lived", but I haven't seen any stories where there isn't a boy who got the fame. And it kind of bugs me that nobody has questioned the famousness of Harry, when, as I said, it isn't actually that likely. It's not as if someone needed to suppress the story; there was no news-story until someone made it up.

Or am I wrong? Has there been fanfic which has dealt with this?

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fandom:harry potter

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