Not Deeply Horrible

Nov 16, 2012 09:36

Well, my story for
deeply_horrible has been rejected by the vetting committee, because Snape isn't horrible in it. I'm not that surprised. I wrote to the prompt, which I think is only reasonable, and the prompt didn't lead me to write a Snape who was "nasty, cruel, unforgiving", but rather a Snape who was "desperate and full of self-loathing".

I am somewhat annoyed by the way the fest was run. They should have vetted the prompts rather than vetting the stories, and then just left us to write to the prompts, like any reasonable ficathon does. So if they run it again, I don't think I will participate.

I thought, going in, that it was simply going to be a Snape-centric ficathon which discouraged people from writing Snape as nice. Which I was quite happy with. When the prompts were going up, there were of course very dark-and-nasty prompts, but there were also prompts that were not so dark. So I was still hopeful it wouldn't necessarily be a fest consisting only of darkfic. Then came the post by the mod "clarifying" what they meant by "deeply horrible" and about what stories they would accept. This filled me with foreboding, and it seems that foreboding was justified.

Okay, I am more than somewhat annoyed. I am disappointed and angry. Please let me make it clear that this isn't sour grapes at being rejected. I perfectly agree with their assessment of my story, and had already considered it possible that they would reject it - expect to see it posted here in a day or two.
What makes me disappointed is that I probably won't be seeing the stories by other people that I was really looking forward to (judging by the prompts that were taken) because they would be rejected too.
What makes me angry is the whole concept of vetting stories, of not allowing people to write to the prompt, as their muse leads them. As I said above, if they were going to vet anything, they should have vetted the prompts, and allowed people to write as they want. To do otherwise is breaking an unwritten rule, that's what it feels like to me.

It's almost enough to make me want to run a competing ficathon. Which will be an utter failure because nobody will write for it. (sigh)

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the fish john west reject, fandom:harry potter, ficathons, ficathons:deeply_horrible

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