Pondering Steampunk

Sep 20, 2012 10:18

Last Worldcon I went to, I saw a number of people wearing lovely steampunk costumes. Every now and then I contemplate putting together a steampunk costume of my own. Probably not as Period or conformist as most - I can't really see myself making a Victorian Ladies' walking dress, though I could probably rustle up a skirt, blouse and vest of some sort.

But the fun and interesting part would be the accoutrements. I have already taken the first step on this journey by purchasing for myself a fully working clockwork fob-watch. And I've ordered some faux-metal goggles, as one does. At some point, I will probably get myself a top hat, and decorate it.

Looking around on places like Etsy, it seems as if the standard things are:
- fob watch
- goggles
- hat decorated with brass cogs etc.
- pendant/brooch made of clock innards (I'm not interested in this, as I have a fob watch I can wear as a pendant if I want)
- steampunkish ray guns

Now... I don't want a ray gun, because conventions nowadays don't let you wear weapons, even fake weapons. But I would like to have or make a gizmo that is as impressive as a ray gun, but which isn't a weapon. But what?

Ideas, ideas please!

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