Snape is Not A Nice Person

Aug 07, 2012 10:35

Well, I've signed up for the
deeply_horrible (deeply_horrible) ficathon and received my prompt! Promptly!
I shall ruminate over it for a while, but, hey, the first sentence came to me in the shower, so that's something.

While the comm is called "deeply_horrible" and the title of the ficathon is "Bring Back The Bastard", it isn't a requirement for the fic to be darkfic. One just has to write something where Snape isn't nice. So there will be no fluff, but angst and redemption and cool stuff like that is perfectly okay. Mind you, there are also a lot of darkfic prompts in the prompt list. But you don't have to pick those. If you don't want to.

So if any of y'all feel like writing a bit-of-a-bastard Snape, sign up, do! It's only 500 words minimum.

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ficathons, ficathons:deeply_horrible

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