Fandom Snowflake Challenge Day 9

Jan 12, 2012 14:43

Day 9

In your own space, create a fanwork. A drabble, a ficlet, or an icon, art or meta or a rec list. A picspam. Something. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

At a loss for ideas? Why not scan through the Day 7 posts and see what wishes you can fulfill? You can quick reference the Day 7 participants here and bring some joy to a fellow fan. Have fun!

If you created something for someone on Day 7, feel free to count that for Day 9 as well.

Well, since rec lists and fulfilling wishes both counts, I'll put in here the links to the wishlist answers I gave to various people... (HP fic recs with religious themes) (HP fic recs with Snape & Harry mentorship) (pointer to writingbuds (multi-fandom recs) (links to already-made 5th-Doctor-era icons)

But I sort of feel as if I didn't do anything... 8-(
I may come back to this later.

This entry was originally posted at (Comments
) Respond here, or respond on the Dreamwidth post, as you prefer. You can use your DW login or OpenId there.

fandom snowflake, blog:meme

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