Requesting Distraction (you know why)

Jun 25, 2010 08:34

I hate asking people to write me fic, because nobody ever does. And yet, if one doesn't ask, nobody ever will. So I humbly request that over the next couple of weeks, people write me fic. I've got a lovely novel that I'm reading right now ("Mouse and Dragon") which is nicely distracting, but I know I will be in need of further distraction in the coming days and weeks. So no need for insta-fic, but some nice juicy fic would be nice.
Fic recs would not go astray either.

You probably know this already, but just a quick list of some of the stuff I like:
* friendship, friendshippy romance, epistolary romance
* telepathy, empathic bonds
* linguistics, cross-cultural interactions, the familiar made strange
* crossovers

As for my fandoms, see my interests, or probably more helpful, the list of universes on my Net-fic Reviews page. Eclectic fandom love is eclectic.

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