Doctor Who 5x11: The Lodger

Jun 19, 2010 18:48

Catching up again. (And look at my new icon!)

How very Doctor Who; the very creepy juxtaposed with the very ordinary.

Another on the list of innocuous but now creepy phrases: "Can you help me?"
(Others on the list: "Are you my Mummy?" and "What do you want?")
I liked how the trouble turned out to be a malfunctioning computer program; a "Sorcerer's Apprentice" problem.
I also liked how "time rot" looked like mildew and how the Doctor revived Craig with tea.

Awww, Craig. An ordinary bloke saving the world because he's ordinary and in love.

I have mixed feelings towards the way the Doctor couldn't be ordinary even though he was trying. After all, he managed not to make an idiot of himself when he was working as UNIT's Scientific Advisor (whether that was the 70s or the 80s I don't care). So we know that he can do it; or that he can do it if he has more time. Where the heck did he get the idea that the kissy thing was a proper greeting? It's a girly greeting, for one thing, and not every girl does it. (sigh)

I did like the way he made Sophie question her apathy; that's very much him, he shakes things up wherever he is.

The way the Doctor picked up soccer in nothing flat, again I have mixed feelings towards that. I could believe that he could very well have superior reflexes, but even Time Lords have a learning curve. We have the example of the 5th Doctor, whom we know was excellent at cricket, but he also let slip that he learned from Bradman. On the other hand, it was lovely just seeing him enjoy himself so much.

That the Doctor learned cooking in Paris in the 18th Century, that one does make sense.

I didn't like the head-banging telepathy. Slapstick, we do not like it. We do not like lazy writing either. (sigh)

I did like Craig's gesture with giving the Doctor the spare keys. Particularly since Craig made it clear that he was sure he'd never see the Doctor again.

So, there were good bits and OTT bits. It still made me go "Awwww" at the end.

And then we have the bit at the end, with Amy and the engagement ring. Was she remembering? Something happened. And it seems to be implying that the Crack has something to do with Amy herself, that she's intimately connected with it. Where was that Crack that flared? Was it in Craig's flat, or in the TARDIS? I think it was in Craig's flat.

Was this meant to be an Amy-lite episode? Because all her scenes were inside the TARDIS, which would have meant that she didn't need to go on location for this episode. Does that mean that next week (er, tomorrow) is going to be a Doctor-lite episode? I guess we'll just see. I didn't look at the trailer, I try to avoid them. Though I already know that River Song is going to be in it; there's already been enough hints in the episodes themselves that she'll be there. Which means we could have a River-and-Pond roadshow. Hmmm. I wonder how they'll play River Song this time, since this one is supposed to be an earlier River than the one we saw in "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone". How much earlier? I guess we'll see next time.

I hate how smug River is, so I'm not really looking forward to it. (sigh)

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