Tony Stark & Loki Fanfic recs

Nov 08, 2019 14:02

Last night I had a fabulous discussion with my friend Jonathan about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and I promised him I'd I'd post some recommendations for Tony Stark & Loki fanfic. So here they are. Naturally, they are all Alternative Universe, since none of this would fit into existing canon.

I need an MCU icon, darn it!

Tony & Loki

"Orestes" by Aublanc
Ranking: Excellent
Length: Long Novel
Words: 288016
Category: AU, Canon Divergence, Hurt-Comfort, Mental Illness, Friendship, Post-Thor
Characters: Tony Stark, Loki
Summary: Thanos never pulled Loki from the void, and the invasion of New York never happened. But the peace is only an illusion, and years after Loki jumped from the Bifrost he falls, quite literally, into the life of one Tony Stark. Broken by the emptiness, Loki struggles to pull himself back together in time to stop the Mad Titan from ruining everything.

This story demonstrates that love is not an emotion, love is a verb; a choice, a promise, a commitment. The epic bromance between a trying-to-be-responsible Tony Stark and a completely broken Loki is just AWESOME.

Orestes is a very fitting title for this. (See

"Return of Hug Fortress" by Theorytale
Ranking: Good
Length: Long Novel
Words: 141063
Category: AU, Canon Divergence, Post-Avengers, hurt-comfort, violence, Alien Culture, Slow Burn, Suicidal Thoughts, Fantastic Racism, Injury, Survivor Guilt, Post-Avengers
Characters: Loki, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanov, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, James Rhodes
Summary: (Assumes Loki escaped from Asgard after the events of 'The Avengers' and has continued to make trouble for the team.)After a battlefield taunt gets much more of a reaction than expected, Tony realizes that at least some of Loki's vindictiveness may be influenced by outside factors.Since Asgard's punishments just seem to keep making Loki angrier, and it's Earth that keeps on paying the price, Tony decides to take matters into his own hands. Besides, Loki keeps showing up to talk to him, so he doesn't have much of a choice. He just wishes he knew what the Devil he was doing.

This has got such an utterly terrible title that I cringe.
Note that while this is tagged as gen, it is slashy to the point of flirting.

However, the rest of it, oh the character stuff, the character stuff! And the Asgard culture implications character stuff; Loki is so screwed. I mean, even more screwed than an average Midgardian would realise. The Tony feels made me cry more than once.

I also like that the rest of the Avengers aren't total arseholes, which does happen sometimes in Tony-centric fics. I mean, yes, they do have their agendas and blinkers, this isn't an "everyone is nice" fest. But it isn't a "blame Tony for everything" story either. They generally work together okay and mostly have the same aims. This is set pre Civil-War, so that probably helps.

"Castaway Getaway" by Peace Heather
Ranking: Good
Length: Novelette
Words: 17505
Category: AU, Canon Divergence, Cave-fic, Shared Adversity, Friendship, Redemption, Post-Avengers
Characters: Loki, Tony Stark, Odin, Frigga, Thor, Jane Foster, Pepper Potts, Nick Fury
Summary: Odin banishes Loki to a remote wilderness location with nothing but the clothes on his back, and one companion to keep him from going insane in solitude. Loki is pretty sure Odin expects him to suffer and grovel and repent of his evil ways. Unfortunately, Loki is not the groveling type.

This was fun. And nice. And character-full.

"Then the Morning Comes" by Stark Raving Mad
Ranking: Good
Length: Novelette
Words: 22170
Category: Kidnapping, PTSD, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Avengers, Mystery
Characters: Tony Stark, Loki, Pepper Potts, James Rhodey Rhodes, Hela, Death
Summary: Tony is kidnapped by Loki. Will he be able to escape or is the reason behind it a much more interesting challenge?

This was good. I love Tony & Loki snark. And them eventually working together. And... if I said more it would be spoilers. Let's just say that some moments made me shiver.

Avengers & Loki

"Restitution" by Ink And Paper Qwerty
Ranking: Excellent
Length: Long Novel
Words: 242830
Category: AU, Canon Divergence, Redemption, Friendship, Family, Hurt-Comfort, Psychology, Therapy, Angst, Humour, Canon-Typical Violence, Magic, Post-Avengers
Characters: Loki, Thor, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton
Summary: Loki is taken back to Asgard to face justice for his crimes against humanity, and Odin comes down hard on the marauding trickster. Thankfully, Thor still has a soft spot for his younger brother, and he's made a pitch to save Loki's skin that the King of the Nine Realms deems worthy. Now all Thor has to do is convince Earth's Mightiest Heroes that his slightly-psychotic, partially-evil, definitely-unstable brother can and should be rehabilitated on Earth while living in Avengers Tower. Easy, right? Right...

It's quite a genre, the "Loki is on Earth, remanded into the custody of the Avengers (and rehabilitated)". But this is an excellent example of this genre, because oh boy it takes a LONG TIME and a lot of HARD WORK for Loki to turn around from a villain to a hero. Even better, the Avengers themselves learn and change for the better, because you can't tell your former enemy to do something, and then not do it yourself.

"Ask Me No Questions" by Alex51324
Ranking: Good
Length: Novel
Words: 54782
Category: AU, Canon Divergence, Cultural Differences, Fantastic Racism, Misunderstandings, Depression, Post-Avengers
Characters: Loki, Thor, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Jarvis
Summary: When Thor returns from Asgard to rejoin the Avengers, he brings Loki in tow--stripped of his magic and bound with a geas that allows him to speak only in response to direct questions. AKA, yet another "Loki lives with the Avengers; chaos ensues" story.

Thor fails to explain properly... chaos ensues.

So, any of you have any recommendations for Tony & Loki fanfic? PLEASE do not hesitate to gimmie gimmie recs. Note that I do not read slash, so please don't rec that. I've been combing through AO3 for fic, but one can still overlook gems even with the really good search that AO3 has.

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