I have Solar!!!

Aug 05, 2018 12:20

Solar electricity, that is.

The friendly workmen finished installing it yesterday. Now I have 18 panels on my roof, three new boxes in the garage (the inverter, the gateway, and the battery) and a new app on my phone. The app is the Tesla Powerwall app (the battery) which not only shows the status of the battery (charging, discharging, % full) but also the way the power is flowing between the solar, the battery, the grid, and my house. It is SO COOL! Right this minute, with the lovely blazing winter sun, the solar is generating 3.4kW, the house is using 0.7kW, and the battery is being charged with the rest. Squee! Whee! (dances a virtual sun-dance)

Even if I don't generate enough to put it back into the grid (and thus be paid for it), it does look as if I will be pretty close to self-sustaining, at least on sunny days. Because the battery charges during the day, I'll be using it at night instead of taking power from the grid. I'll have to look at the pattern of it, how long it takes to fill the battery completely -- it's currently at 44%, the time is twenty minutes past noon, and it's wintertime, so the light will be fading around 5pm, so I don't think it will fill up completely today, and then it's going to be being drained tonight, but I don't know if it will be drained completely... as I said, I'm going to have to observe the pattern of it. Which of course will also vary depending on the weather.

But it is SO COOL!

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solar, life

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