(no subject)

Jan 01, 2007 01:51

Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in
1. blake's 7 score: 7
2. sf cons score: 6
3. sci-fi and fantasy score: 6
4. kerr avon score: 5
5. bujold score: 4
6. lois bujold score: 4
7. compersion score: 4
8. optical illusions score: 4
9. machinery score: 4
10. bookbinding score: 4
11. georgette heyer score: 4
12. sf conventions score: 4
13. girlgeniusonline.com score: 4
14. Ñ?Ñ‚µÑ€µ3⁄43Ñ€°1⁄41⁄4Ñ‹ score: 4
15. limericks score: 4
16. yes minister score: 4
17. girl genius score: 4
18. foglio score: 4
19. pattern recognition score: 4
20. minimal techno score: 4

changed by ouwiyaru based on code by ixwin
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What could #14 be? Code-breaking? Hmmm...

And I wouldn't turn down a girl genius if I stumbled over one.
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