I would first off like to say that I am EXTREMELY lucky.. or blessed.. or whatever you prefer to call it. Either way, I couldn't ask for more! :):):) and one more... :)! perfect!
Next, I would like to talk about cheese.
Cheese is great and comes in many forms, and many come from different countries. For example, we have American cheese, from America... most commonly put on hamburgers, and Swiss cheese, which was originated in Switzerland...
...now for a tangent. Okay, Swiss cheese is great and all, and yes I personally do enjoy a bit of Swiss cheese.. but logically thinking here, wouldnt Swiss cheese be like half the price of say chedder? I mean think about it... here, I'll even get a picture for you to look at...
does any notice the holes??? Does any notice that half the cheese is like missing?! Does anyone notice that Swiss cheese costs no less than any other cheese that has no holes?! How did the holes get there in the first place! It cant be the mice, that would just be too.. unsantiary! gosh!
I KNOW!! it must be the people with cheese cutters.. kinda like cookie cutters. I can just picture it! An assembly line of ladies or men in a Swiss cheese making factory with circle cheese cutters, cutting holes into the swiss cheese!
Alas! I have found my destiny.. I wanna be a swiss cheese cutter.
And that, my friends, is what happens when I go to write an entry not knowing what I want to type. Thank you for traveling through my thought process with me. At least we solved one thing...I am off to research culinary school to begin work on my destiny.