Hott chicks in Skirts.....^_*

Feb 18, 2004 14:59

Well today at school, because of spirit week. I wore a white jean skirt and an army shirt thanks to kyle for letting me borrow it. I never new that guys could think it was that hott for a chick to wear a damn skirt and a army t-shirt and stuff. Well now that I know it is...I am wery of wearing these things....I already knew about the damn skirt thing...Thanks for the compliments boyz.

Well anywho. Yeah today was ok. I was tired all day. I finaly got all my stuff done in comp. Class...YEAH for me...

Lets see I didn't see Jessi at school...Mezza Bummin... I thank James for the whole I have nice legs thing...Even though coming from him is seriously creepy......

Ohh and me and rob were talking about the cure, and I told him that Robert Smith was a hotty. And he goes well what about Robert Braun I was like...Uhhh I don't think of my friends that way sorry...I didn't know what to say. He is a great guy. And all that he has said to me is honestly sweet. But still. I don't feel that way.

I didn't go to lunch today. I just hung out with my friends in the library...Thats right all you wanna be's we are the real nerds who hang in the library and play on the computers the whole time. I did alot of fun things like play pool on yahoo games..If you are ever on and see the name place0fmyown thats me. hehe. Or kerosenel1ps which ever one I feel like signing into...I think I am going to go play right now....


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