Feb 15, 2004 08:02
Nevermind Eric disregard all that I said, seriously. All of my friends were talking to me and I was getting very nervous.
I think I should clearify something with all of you guys. Tomazi didn't break up with me, I dumped her on brandons birthday. But we still love eachother. TOMAZI YOU ROCK, I love you...^_^..
This is the story on what happened. Tomazi and I on brandons birthday, desided to breakup, actaully it was my idea. I dumped her....I honestly cant remember why...Tomazi can you answer that. I am sorry that we broke it off. *wimpers* Me and TOMAZI we, were just so great together. Never a fight. Never a clonflict, of any sort. I sort of miss that girl. But now she has a thing for this tyler guy. And well we wont go into the subject about me.
But now, I see her inschool. And we hang. I think part of our break up was jessi's fault, on account of she said that I dumped TOMAZI. Inwhich I never really actaully remember me saying I did, till we got in that big fight. Right tomazi???
*giggles* hehe.....(if your not on the inside you wont get why I am saying this.)
I love tomazi, jessi, brandon, ashley, eric and so forth...hehehe.
The rocking SAVRAS