(no subject)

May 25, 2005 10:01

I was feeling really bummed out...b/c well I don't have an SLR camera. ;_;. Damn it. My camera is crappo compared to those SLR's. So...I decided to test some of the features of my camera out (practice) so that when I get an SLR, I'll know how to use every function u_u;. One thing I really wanna know is...how to FOCUS on something when you're up-close. I know that I have to use MACRO-MODE. But...it's still sorta blurry, and the background is perfectly clear. T_T; Anyway here are my testies... LMFAO TESTES.. o_o ok i dunno XD

Date Taken: May 19 2005

Shelf that is blue XD Well not really. It was just this function in the camera that made the whole scenery blue O_O. I was surprised ^0^

Pile of bookies~~ Playing wiff the Macro!

Bumkue~ ^.^ OMFG HIS NOSE! XD LOL I couldn't stop laughing at this pic XD. Oh and i'm playing with the macro here too. SEE?? It won't focus T_T!

BUMBUM!!!! XD He lost his eye...u_u; LOL Kaolla Suu is in the background!! SE-CHAN~~~ ;_; If only you were here to see!!!!...;_;...man I haven't talked to you in so long (or anyone at all on msn). T_T; I'm gonna make you write in your LJ Y_Y;...

My painted Ceramic~ omg i wanna go paint again!!~ I went to this "GlazeCraze" place with the Artclub members ^^ It was too much fun! But very expensive!

Another piccy of my apple~ ^^;; RINGO!! <3~

LOL!! ^^ My ceramic doll~ Haha Well I ended up dropping it X_X; Luckily it didn't crack Y_Y...Otherwise I'd be crying right now Y_Y

Me o_o;; lol i was being stupid k?~ XD OH YEAH! I forgot to write about my perm. T_T. This is my perm. EWW. T_T My hair is all dead. But thanks to ash ^^ I think my hair is healing as the day progresses~ I use like bottles and bottles of conditioner now =_=;

B&W ME!! kaka!! OMG T_T; I miss my hair from before -_-;...
lol please don't mind the face ROFLMAO. XD I was constipated at the time~ *blush* :3
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